Call of Duty 4 Favicon
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^424/7 ^1Hardcore TDM ^41.7 ^7^1THE ORIGINAL^7 ^7

IP Address
Category Call of Duty 4
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country United States US
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
_admin maximus
_location chicago, il usa
_maps cod4 stock/custom
_mod openwarfare
_modupdate nw4mp_dpg
_modver v4.180.2482
fs_game mods/nw4mp_dpg
g_gametype war
gamename call of duty 4
mapname mp_incursion
mod 1
protocol 6
shortversion 1.7
sv_floodprotect 1
sv_hostname ^424/7 ^1hardcore tdm ^41.7 ^7''^1the original^7'' ^7
sv_maxping 999
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_maxclients 50
sv_pure 1
sv_voice 1
ui_maxclients 50


^424/7 ^1Hardcore TDM ^41.7 ^7^1THE ORIGINAL^7 ^7 Live Banner 1

^424/7 ^1Hardcore TDM ^41.7 ^7^1THE ORIGINAL^7 ^7 Live Banner 2

What is the ^424/7 ^1Hardcore TDM ^41.7 ^7^1THE ORIGINAL^7 ^7 IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the ^424/7 ^1Hardcore TDM ^41.7 ^7^1THE ORIGINAL^7 ^7 PORT?

Server PORT: 28970

