Call of Duty 4 Servers List

Call of Duty 4 ^3COD4 ^2Oregek 31/32 HUNGARY
Call of Duty 4 ^1Raid ^3Surf ^7| 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty 4 ^1Happy^3Campers ^6!!! 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty 4 ^0ZZ^1=|LuV|= ^4TDM ^3HardCore 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 ^5Sr- ^7BattleRoyale ^5#Promod 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty 4 ^44GF.CZ^7 #50 | DM/GR/TDM | sHC | .. 31/32 CZECH REPUBLIC
Call of Duty 4 ^1nN| ^3Nuketown ^2Sniper SD | ^1ww.. 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty 4 ^1-==-HARDSTYLE ^4FULL ^3BO3 ^8|||.. 31/32 HUNGARY
Call of Duty 4 ^71st^1MSOB^2Tactical4.2UPik 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty 4 ^4[^0D^7H^1C^4]^1RotU-Revolution Zo.. 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 «^3Kill-Us-All^7» ^1RO^2BOT^1S ^7.. 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 ^0....:::: ^1SuperSport ^0| ^1Team .. 31/32 CROATIA
Call of Duty 4 ^2NRNS ^3US1 ^224/7 TDM 31/32 CANADA
Call of Duty 4 ^1nN| ^3Crossfire ^2TDM HC | ^1www... 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty 4 ^5=|FF|=Crash/Strike 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty 4 ^4C^14^4S ^3Soft^4Core ^3TDM ^1| ^0.. 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty 4 ^5=|FF|= Zombies RotU-^1Revolution .. 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty 4 ^5Ice^2Ops ^5Obscurity - www.iceops.. 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty 4 ^1PRIVATE 1.7| ^2T-m-P^1#2 ^4CoD4^3.. 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 ^3FritzMods BTD ZOMBIES 31/32 UNITED STATES