IP Address | jouer.madincraft.fr:25565 |
Category | Minecraft |
Server Owner | () |
Votes | 0 |
Country | France ![]() |
Online Players | 0 |
Maximum Online Players | 0 |
Uptime | 100% |
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Variable | Value |
game_id | minecraft |
gametype | smp |
hostip | |
hostname | §8//§8§m=================§r§8 [ §a§lmad§r§2in§a§lcraft§8 ] §8§m=================§r§8\\ §8§l| §4§l1.11.2 §8§l| §b100% §b§lsurvival §8§l@ §3freebuild §8§l| §e§lmadincraft§e.fr §8§l| |
hostport | 25565 |
map | world |
maxplayers | 10 |
plugins | craftbukkit on bukkit 1.11.2-r0.1-snapshot: playerheads 4.5.1; dynmap 2.4-1148; worldedit 6.1.5,4651611; usedrotten 0.4; essentials teamcity; battletracker; bukkitcompat r22a; portecoulissante 1.4.3; decraft 1.2.1; lockette 1.8.23; votifier 1.9; consolespamfix 1.3.0; protocollib 4.8.0; essentialsprotect teamcity; essentialsgeoip teamcity; bossbarapi; essentialsantibuild teamcity; permissionsex 1.23.4; timeismoney 1947; vault 1.5.2-b33; galistener 1.3.2; catacombs 3.4; essentialsspawn teamcity; infernalmobs 5.1; titlemanager 1.5.13; log4jexploitfix 1.3.3; inquisitor 3.0.0-snapshot-b29; perworldinventory 1.9.0; mchat 1.7.9-r0.7-snapshot-665d695; plotsquared 3.5.1-snapshot; preciousstones 10.5.0; multiverse-core 2.5-b717; coloredtags 2.1.3; plot2dynmap 3.3.2; multiverse-portals 2.5.0-snapshot-b746; dynmap-preciousstones 1.2.1 release; signshop 2.11.1; signshopguardian 1.3.1 |
version | 1.11.2 |