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[RS] Zombie Survival - California

IP Address
Category Team Fortress 2
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country United States US
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 40
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
connect_version 1.4.0
custom_chat_colors_mysql_version 1.1.3
custom_chat_colors_version 3.1.0
dedicated d
game_descr medic vs engineer
game_dir tf
game_id 440
hostname [rs] zombie survival - california
keywords alltalk,fortress,fun,increased_maxplayers,nocrits,payload,rushy,survival,zombie,zombie fortress,zombie survival,zombies,zs
map pl_longboy_b1
max_players 40
metamod_version 1.11.0-dev+1155v
num_rules 38
os l
port 27021
protocol 17
sb_version 1.7.0
sbchecker_version 1.7.0
scp_version 1.1.5
secure 1
sgadmins_version 1.3.1
sm_advertflood_version 1.4
sm_advertisements_version 2.0.2
sm_afkm_version 4.3.0
sm_allchat_version 0x03
sm_autorestart_version 1.3
sm_fakedownloadurl_version 1.0
sm_gameuifix_version 1.0.0
sm_helpmenu_version 0.5
sm_ignorelist_version 0x03
sm_ipchatblock_version 1.4
sm_micspambg_version 0.5
sm_nextmap pl_corrode_rc2
sm_nodominations_version 1.2.3
sm_nt_verison 1.3
sm_observerpoint_version 1.0.100
sm_sourcesleuth_version 1.6.3
sm_spray_version 1.4.1
sm_ssh_version 1.4.1
sm_tbe_version 1.08
sourcecomms_version 1.6.3
steam_id 85568392922710178
steamappid 440
sw_auto_steam_update_version 1.1
sw_gamedesc_override_version 1.1
tf2attributes_version 1.7.3
tf2items_giveweapon_version 3.14159
tf2items_version 1.6.4
tf_tauntem_version 1.0.1
tfh_version 1.10.2
triggers_version 2.3.0
version 9433646


[RS] Zombie Survival - California Live Banner 1

[RS] Zombie Survival - California Live Banner 2

What is the [RS] Zombie Survival - California IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the [RS] Zombie Survival - California PORT?

Server PORT: 27021

