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IP Address bomping.se:27960
Category Quake 3
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Sweden SE
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
location sweden
admin bomping
echo_svfps 40
echo_version threewave 1.7
g_gametype 8
g_lithium 1
g_maxnudge 50
g_maxpackets 125
g_minnudge -50
g_minpackets 30
g_serverdata p01 g04 g10 g09 g11 g03
gamename threewave
mapname q3start
p_enableportal 1
protocol 68
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_dlurl http://quake3.bomping.se
sv_hostname [port] j.a.q.s
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_maxclients 18
sv_privateclients 2
timelimit 20
version ioq3 1.36 linux-x86_64 apr 12 2009


[PORT] J.A.Q.S Live Banner 1

[PORT] J.A.Q.S Live Banner 2

What is the [PORT] J.A.Q.S IP?

Server IP Address: bomping.se

What is the [PORT] J.A.Q.S PORT?

Server PORT: 27960

