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ClassiX MiniGames -

IP Address
Category Garry's Mod
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Votes 0
Country Russia RU
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 24
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
arccw_attinv_loseondie 2
arccw_mult_defaultammo 2
arccw_override_crosshair_off 1
arccw_truenames 1
as_balanceteams 1
as_eventeams 1
as_freezetime 6
as_intermissiontime 7
as_numrounds 15
as_numrounds_ctf 6
as_respawntime 10
as_roundtime 240
as_roundtime_ctf 600
as_scrambleteams 1
as_votetime 30
bb_var_gametime 1200
bb_var_setuptime 150
bb_var_startingtokens 50
cnr_armedrunners 1
cnr_copextraspeed 1.100000
cnr_coppercentage 0.200000
cnr_crowdamage 20
cnr_jailmaxdist 2000
cnr_jailmindist 1000
cnr_postroundtime 10
cnr_preptime 15
cnr_smokedelay 15
cnr_speedmultiplier 1
cnr_timelimit 180
cnr_wardenafk 20
cw_att_am_flechetterounds 1
cw_att_am_magnum 1
cw_att_am_matchgrade 1
cw_att_am_reducedpowderload 1
cw_att_am_slugrounds 1
cw_att_am_sp7 1
cw_att_am_ultramegamatchammo 1
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cw_att_bg_ak74_ubarrel 1
cw_att_bg_ak74foldablestock 1
cw_att_bg_ak74heavystock 1
cw_att_bg_ak74rpkmag 1
cw_att_bg_ar1560rndmag 1
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cw_att_bg_asval_30rnd 1
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cw_att_bg_deagle_extendedbarrel 1
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cw_att_bg_longbarrel 1
cw_att_bg_longbarrelmr96 1
cw_att_bg_longris 1
cw_att_bg_mac11_extended_barrel 1
cw_att_bg_mac11_unfolded_stock 1
cw_att_bg_magpulhandguard 1
cw_att_bg_makarov_extmag 1
cw_att_bg_makarov_pb6p9 1
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cw_att_bg_makarov_pm_suppressor 1
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cw_att_bg_mp5_sdbarrel 1
cw_att_bg_mp7_unsuppressed 1
cw_att_bg_nostock 1
cw_att_bg_regularbarrel 1
cw_att_bg_retractablestock 1
cw_att_bg_ris 1
cw_att_bg_sg1scope 1
cw_att_bg_sr3m 1
cw_att_bg_vss_foldable_stock 1
cw_att_md_acog 1
cw_att_md_aimpoint 1
cw_att_md_anpeq15 1
cw_att_md_bipod 1
cw_att_md_cmag_556_official 1
cw_att_md_cmag_9x19_official 1
cw_att_md_cobram2 1
cw_att_md_eotech 1
cw_att_md_foregrip 1
cw_att_md_insight_x2 1
cw_att_md_kobra 1
cw_att_md_m203 1
cw_att_md_microt1 1
cw_att_md_nightforce_nxs 1
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cw_att_md_pso1 1
cw_att_md_rmr 1
cw_att_md_saker 1
cw_att_md_schmidt_shortdot 1
cw_att_md_tundra9mm 1
deathmatch 1
decalfrequency 10
dedicated d
drpz_attackspeed 1
drpz_damagemultiplier 1
drpz_extrajumps 2
drpz_knockbackmultiplier 1
drpz_lives 3
drpz_poweruprespawntime 60
drpz_preroundtime 20
epoe_version 2.62
fas2_profgain 0.040000
fas2_profgain_shotguns 0.010000
game_descr trash compactor
game_dir garrysmod
game_id 4000
gc_damage_scale 1.550000
gc_gametype 4
gc_team_damage_scale 0.500000
gw_abilities_enabled 1
gw_basewalkeramount 13
gw_changemodel_hiding 1
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gw_hideduration 30
gw_hiding_run_speed 200
gw_hiding_walk_speed 100
gw_maxrounds 8
gw_minhiding 1
gw_minseeking 1
gw_postroundduration 5
gw_pregameduration 20
gw_roundduration 300
gw_seeker_run_speed 200
gw_seeker_walk_speed 100
gw_target_finder_threshold 700
gw_taunt_body_enabled 1
gw_taunt_voice_cooldown 10
gw_taunt_voice_enabled 1
gw_touches_enabled 1
gw_touches_required 3
gw_walkerperplayer 1.200000
has_blindtime 30
has_clickrange 100
has_envdmgallowed 1
has_hidereward 3
has_hiderrunspeed 320
has_hiderwalkspeed 190
has_jumppower 210
has_maxrounds 5
has_maxstamina 100
has_pac3 1
has_pac3_editor 1
has_scob_text light hns
has_seekerrunspeed 360
has_seekerwalkspeed 200
has_seekreward 1
has_staminadeplete 13.300000
has_staminarefill 6.600000
has_staminawait 2
has_timelimit 300
hb_decals 1
hb_easyuse 1
hb_fragility 1
hb_nuclear_emp 1
hb_nuclear_fallout 1
hb_nuclear_vaporisation 1
hb_realistic_sound 1
hb_safeemp 1
hb_shockwave_unfreeze 1
hb_sound_shake 1
horde_base_runspeed 250
horde_base_walkspeed 180
horde_break_time 60
horde_corpse_cleanup 1
horde_default_class_config 1
horde_default_enemy_config 1
horde_default_item_config 1
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horde_enable_shop 1
horde_enable_starter 1
horde_max_spawn_distance 2000
horde_max_spawn_z_distance 500
horde_max_wave 10
horde_min_spawn_distance 400
horde_round_bonus 500
horde_start_money 1000
horde_total_enemies_scaling 1.500000
hostname classix minigames -
keywords gm:trashcompactor gmws:495998201 loc:ru ver:240321
lst_enableimplosion 1
lst_event_enablenuke 1
lst_expscale 1
lst_healhealth 1
lst_minimumplayers 2
lst_time_actionpreparing 60
lst_time_postround 15
lst_time_preparing 15
lst_zonespeed 1
map trash_burner
max_players 24
mb_deathblocks_time 60
mb_map_maxarea 500
mb_map_scale 20
mm_budget 100
mm_buytime 15
mm_cleanup_time 20
mm_deathcam 1
mm_endroundboard_time 4
mm_endtime 15
mm_healthregen_amount 3
mm_healthregen_time 5
mm_maxrounds 10
mm_point_limit 500
mm_roundtime 360
mm_slomo_duration 3
mm_spawnprotect 1
mm_wackyfrequency 3
mp_allownpcs 1
mp_autocrosshair 1
mp_falldamage 1
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcerespawn 1
mp_teamlist hgrunt;scientist
num_rules 444
os l
pac_allow_blood_color 1
pac_submit_limit 30
pac_submit_spam 1
parkourtag_falldamage 1
parkourtag_playeroutline 1
ph_mapstartwait 30
physgun_maxrange 4096
port 27017
protocol 17
q3_fraglimit 30
q3_timelimit 900
q3_votetime 30
q_more_nextbots 1
q_nextbot_delay 75
q_round_length 360
r_airboatviewdampendamp 1.0
r_airboatviewdampenfreq 7.0
r_airboatviewzheight 0.0
r_jeepviewdampendamp 1.0
r_jeepviewdampenfreq 7.0
r_jeepviewzheight 10.0
sbox_bonemanip_npc 1
sbox_maxballoons 10
sbox_maxbuttons 20
sbox_maxcameras 10
sbox_maxhoverballs 20
sbox_maxlamps 5
sbox_maxlights 5
sbox_maxnpcs 10
sbox_maxprops 100
sbox_maxragdolls 50
sbox_maxsents 100
sbox_maxthrusters 20
sbox_maxvehicles 1
sbox_maxwheels 20
secure 1
sickomode_abilities 1
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sickomode_chargeperkill 50
sickomode_chargeregen 20
sickomode_cleanup 1
sickomode_interval 10
sickomode_killersperplayers 6
sickomode_prep 5
sickomode_punish 1
sickomode_taunts 1
steam_id 85568392923152040
steamappid 4000
sv_accelerate 10
sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_alltalk 1
sv_footsteps 1
sv_friction 4.00
sv_gravity 600
sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time 30
sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time 20
sv_maxspeed 10000
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks 24
sv_noclipaccelerate 5
sv_noclipspeed 5
sv_rollspeed 200
sv_specaccelerate 5
sv_specnoclip 1
sv_specspeed 3
sv_stepsize 18
sv_stopspeed 10
sv_ts_ff_damage_reflect 1
sv_ts_ff_damage_scale 0.020000
sv_ts_ff_reflect_scale 1.000000
sv_ts_num_rounds 15
sv_ts_prop_dmg_scale 1
sv_ts_select_mode 1
sv_ts_spectate_time 60
sv_ts_stalker_add_health 15
sv_ts_stalker_blood_thirst 45
sv_ts_stalker_blood_thirst_gib 25
sv_ts_stalker_drain_delay 45
sv_ts_stalker_drain_scale 1.000000
sv_ts_stalker_drain_time 1.000000
sv_ts_stalker_gib_health 10
sv_ts_stalker_health 80
sv_ts_stalker_kill_health 15
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_wateraccelerate 10
sv_waterfriction 1
tc_afktimer 20
tc_customjumppower 265
tc_maxfreeze 6
tc_maxpropdistance 800
tc_roundtime 3
ttt_combattext_lineofsight 1
ttt_credits_starting 2
ttt_det_credits_starting 1
ttt_detective_hats 1
ttt_detective_karma_min 600
ttt_detective_max 32
ttt_detective_min_players 8
ttt_detective_pct 0.125000
ttt_dingaling_lasthit_allowed 1
ttt_firstpreptime 60
ttt_haste 1
ttt_haste_minutes_per_death 0.500000
ttt_haste_starting_minutes 5
ttt_namechange_bantime 10
ttt_namechange_kick 1
ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep 1
ttt_posttime_seconds 30
ttt_preptime_seconds 30
ttt_ragdoll_pinning 1
ttt_round_limit 6
ttt_roundtime_minutes 10
ttt_teleport_telefrags 1
ttt_time_limit_minutes 75
ttt_traitor_max 32
ttt_traitor_pct 0.250000
version 2023.06.28
vj_hlr_autoreplace_hl1 1
vj_hlr_autoreplace_hl2 1
zsb_autoroundmodechange 1
zsb_lowplayercountthreshold 6
zsb_max_additional_samples_count_nest 10
zsb_max_additional_samples_count_player 3
zsb_maxpropsinbarricade 8
zsb_nailhealthperrepair 50
zsb_numberofwaves 20
zsb_roundgamemode 2
zsb_roundlimit 10


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What is the ClassiX MiniGames - IP?

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What is the ClassiX MiniGames - PORT?

Server PORT: 27017

