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Garrys Mod Server Hosted by

IP Address
Category Counter Strike Global Offensive
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Germany DE
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 4
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
davycrockettallowed 1
m9kammodetonation 1
m9kdamagemultiplier 1
m9kdefaultclip -1
m9kdynamicrecoil 1
m9kexplosivenervegas 1
m9kuniqueslots 1
m9k_davy_crockett_timer 3
deathmatch 1
decalfrequency 10
dedicated d
game_descr trouble in terrorist town
game_dir garrysmod
game_id 4000
hostname garry's mod server hosted by
keywords gm:terrortown gmc:pvp ver:250310
map gm_construct
max_players 4
mp_allownpcs 1
mp_autocrosshair 1
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcerespawn 1
mp_friendlyfire 1
mp_teamlist hgrunt;scientist
num_rules 149
os l
password 1
physgun_maxrange 4096
port 27015
protocol 17
r_airboatviewdampendamp 1.0
r_airboatviewdampenfreq 7.0
r_airboatviewzheight 0.0
r_jeepviewdampendamp 1.0
r_jeepviewdampenfreq 7.0
r_jeepviewzheight 10.0
sbox_bonemanip_npc 1
sbox_maxballoons 100
sbox_maxbuttons 50
sbox_maxcameras 10
sbox_maxconstraints 2000
sbox_maxdynamite 10
sbox_maxeffects 200
sbox_maxemitters 20
sbox_maxhoverballs 50
sbox_maxlamps 3
sbox_maxlights 5
sbox_maxnpcs 10
sbox_maxprops 200
sbox_maxragdolls 10
sbox_maxropeconstraints 1000
sbox_maxsents 100
sbox_maxthrusters 50
sbox_maxvehicles 4
sbox_maxwheels 50
sbox_noclip 1
sbox_playershurtplayers 1
sbox_weapons 1
secure 1
steam_id 90261739594435612
steamappid 4000
sv_accelerate 10
sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_footsteps 1
sv_friction 8
sv_gravity 600
sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time 30
sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time 20
sv_maxspeed 10000
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks 24
sv_noclipaccelerate 5
sv_noclipspeed 5
sv_password 1
sv_rollspeed 200
sv_specaccelerate 5
sv_specnoclip 1
sv_specspeed 3
sv_stepsize 18
sv_stopspeed 10
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_wateraccelerate 10
sv_waterfriction 1
ttt_credits_starting 2
ttt_crowbar_pushforce 395
ttt_det_credits_starting 1
ttt_detective_hats 1
ttt_detective_karma_min 600
ttt_detective_max 32
ttt_detective_min_players 8
ttt_detective_pct 0.125000
ttt_firstpreptime 60
ttt_haste 1
ttt_haste_minutes_per_death 0.500000
ttt_haste_starting_minutes 5
ttt_idle_limit 180
ttt_juggernautsuit_damage_bullet 0.8
ttt_juggernautsuit_damage_crowbar 0.8
ttt_juggernautsuit_damage_drown 1.2
ttt_juggernautsuit_damage_explosion 0.2
ttt_juggernautsuit_damage_fall 1.2
ttt_juggernautsuit_damage_fire 0.35
ttt_juggernautsuit_damage_radiation 0.6
ttt_juggernautsuit_damage_shock 0.6
ttt_juggernautsuit_damage_slash 0.75
ttt_juggernautsuit_maxdamage_explosion 50
ttt_juggernautsuit_maxdamage_fire 5
ttt_juggernautsuit_model models/player/urban.mdl
ttt_limit_spectator_chat 1
ttt_limit_spectator_voice 1
ttt_minimum_players 2
ttt_namechange_bantime 10
ttt_namechange_kick 1
ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep 1
ttt_posttime_seconds 30
ttt_preptime_seconds 30
ttt_ragdoll_pinning 1
ttt_round_limit 6
ttt_roundtime_minutes 10
ttt_sherlock_mode 1
ttt_teleport_telefrags 1
ttt_time_limit_minutes 75
ttt_traitor_max 32
ttt_traitor_pct 0.250000
ttt_voice_drain_admin 0.05
ttt_voice_drain_normal 0.2
ttt_voice_drain_recharge 0.05
version 2024.10.29


Garrys Mod Server Hosted by Live Banner 1

Garrys Mod Server Hosted by Live Banner 2

What is the Garrys Mod Server Hosted by IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the Garrys Mod Server Hosted by PORT?

Server PORT: 27015

