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IP Address
Category Minecraft
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Germany DE
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
game_id minecraft
gametype smp
hostname amuria
hostport 25577
map spawn
maxplayers 16
plugins paper on 1.21.1-r0.1-snapshot: protocollib 5.3.0; serverlistmotd x-2018-10-20; vault 1.7.3-b131; fastasyncworldedit 2.12.2-snapshot-973,308e909; worldguard 7.0.11-beta1+a801a9d; essentials 2.21.0-dev+129-2ac37d8; lwc 2.3.0; multiverse-core 4.3.1-b861; premiumvanish 2.9.16; permissionsex 1.23.4-3; invseeplusplus 0.29.4; headdatabase 4.19.8; customenderchest 1.13.1; nochatreports 2.1.0; bkcommonlib 1.21.1-v1; armorstandeditor 1.5.8; brewery 3.1.1; nospawnerchange 2.1; epicrename 3.7; elevator 3.13.0; craftbook 3.10.12-snapshot,no_git_id; tablist 5.7.7; quickshop-hikari; kixschatannouncer 7.0-release; essentialschat 2.21.0-dev+129-2ac37d8; betterchairs 1.12.0; essentialsspawn 2.21.0-dev+129-2ac37d8; buildportals 2.3.0; invseeplusplus_clear 0.29.4; tntrun_reloaded 9.29; eshulkerbox 0.5.4; signedit 1.14.4; greatkits 2.911; decentholograms 2.8.12; coloredanvils 2.0.0; coreprotect 22.4; modreq 1.2 (for v1.12-1.14); commandsigns 2.1.2; invseeplusplus_give 0.29.4
version 1.21.1


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What is the Amuria IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the Amuria PORT?

Server PORT: 25577

