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quake.parks.lv ::Quake2 CTF::Stats http://quake.parks.lv

IP Address
Category Quake 2
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Latvia LV
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
admin bad1
location latvia, riga
q2admin 1.17.52
server_info stats http://quake.parks.lv/
anticheat 1
capturelimit 8
ctf 1
deathmatch 1
dmflags 280084
game ctf
gamedir ctf
gamename ctf
gamestats 18:28 0/0 0/0 0/0/0
gameversion l-fire ii v2.0b152 ctf
hostname quake.parks.lv ::quake2 ctf::stats http://quake.parks.lv
mapname dgctf2
maxclients 32
timelimit 30
version r1q2 b7864 i386 oct 1 2008 linux


quake.parks.lv ::Quake2 CTF::Stats http://quake.parks.lv Live Banner 1

quake.parks.lv ::Quake2 CTF::Stats http://quake.parks.lv Live Banner 2

What is the quake.parks.lv ::Quake2 CTF::Stats http://quake.parks.lv IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the quake.parks.lv ::Quake2 CTF::Stats http://quake.parks.lv PORT?

Server PORT: 27910

