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Phoenix Gaming - EU/DK 2x Vanilla|Team Max 5

IP Address
Category Rust
Server Owner Anonymous
Votes 0
Country Denmark DK
Online Players 3
Maximum Online Players 50
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
build 112820
dedicated d
description_00 welcome to phoenix gaming - nordic's largest rust community!\n\nweekly map wipe at 16:00 cest.\nbp w
description_01 ipe every fourteen days at 16:00 cest - team max: 5 players.\n\nexperience perfectly balanced gamepl
description_02 ay with 2x loot & scrap 2x vanilla. check out our website\n\n- 2x gathering\n- sh
description_03 ort nights & long days\n- junk items removed from loot\n- stacksize 2x\n- grid power\n- 50% boosted
description_04 upkeep\n- 50% bed & bag cooldown\n- craftingspeed 2x\n- smeltspeed 2x\n- recyclerspeed 2x\n- clans r
description_05 eborn\n- change base skin via tc\n- skinbox\n- solo base friendly\n- 70% offline raid protection via
description_06 tc\n- tc skin\n- dlc items\n- no p2w and tp!\n\nnon playing active admins + strong anti-cheat. over
description_07 4 years experience in rust servers. join our discord server and see more about the server and the c
description_08 ommunity. press the view web page button.
ent_cnt 105975
fps 121
fps_avg 118.70
game_descr rust
game_dir rust
game_id 252490
gc_cl 151
gc_mb 2821
gmn vanilla
gmt vanilla
hash 995cd1ab
hostname phoenix gaming - eu/dk 2x vanilla|team max 5
keywords mp50,cp2,ptrak,qp0,$reu2,v2580,^z^y^w,^v,eu,born1738869793,gmvanilla,cs112820
map procedural map
max_players 50
num_players 3
num_rules 34
os w
port 28017
protocol 17
pve false
secure 1
status stok
steam_id 90258983098901531
uptime 16855
version 2580
world.seed 910267267
world.size 3500


Phoenix Gaming - EU/DK 2x Vanilla|Team Max 5 Live Banner 1

Phoenix Gaming - EU/DK 2x Vanilla|Team Max 5 Live Banner 2

What is the Phoenix Gaming - EU/DK 2x Vanilla|Team Max 5 IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the Phoenix Gaming - EU/DK 2x Vanilla|Team Max 5 PORT?

Server PORT: 28015

