IP Address | |
Category | Rust |
Server Owner | Anonymous |
Votes | 0 |
Country | Denmark ![]() |
Website | https://discord.gg/bYnnaWxmky |
Players Online | 0/0 |
Online Players | 0 |
Maximum Online Players | 0 |
Uptime | 100% |
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Variable | Value |
build | 111282 |
dedicated | d |
description_00 | running oregon 2 from gruber (edited)\n\nplugins default:\nnotechtree, simplefurnace, skinner with s |
description_01 | kin request, blueprint share, quicksort, autofarm, poovacuum, ganja and geodes.\nmini copter, storag |
description_02 | e and light, remove unlimted with hammer, building skins.\nskill tree, 81 unique buff types, gain x2 |
description_03 | in collecting and harvesting.\ncoooking, cooking system in rust by adding a number of ingredients a |
description_04 | nd advanced recipes to the game.\nvehicle deployed locks, stacks x3\nwater bases, allows to build st |
description_05 | ructures on the surface of the water.\nbuy electricity, draw electricity straight from the generator |
description_06 | bought in outpost.\n\nquest shop at outpost.\n\nbuyable events/plugins with scrap:\njetpack, parapl |
description_07 | ane, zipline and backpack.\n\nevents on server:\njet event\nheavy oilrig event\njunkyard event\ntrai |
description_08 | nheist\ncaravan\nparatroopers\nplanecrash event\nheavy watertreatment event\nairfield event\nharbor |
description_09 | event\nsupermarket event\narmored train event\nheli refuel event\ntriangulation event\nconvoy event\ |
description_10 | nsat dish event\nshipwreck event\nsphere/dome event\ncargo train event\npilot eject event\nsputnik\n |
description_11 | ferry terminal event\nheavy cargoship event\npower plant event\ngas station event\nartic base event\ |
description_12 | nair event\nairfield drop\ndrop ship\nheavy excavator event\nheavy military event\nwatertreatment ev |
description_13 | ent\nairfield military event\nwater event\n750 raidable bases\nrandom raids\ndefendable base\ncobalt |
description_14 | laboratory\niq supply drop\nguareded crate\nbradley guards\n |
ent_cnt | 143944 |
fps | 184 |
fps_avg | 252.93 |
game_descr | rust |
game_dir | rust |
game_id | 252490 |
gc_cl | 200 |
gc_mb | 2637 |
gmn | vanilla |
gmt | vanilla |
hash | db6b87cb |
headerimage | https://i.imgur.com/o5bzfpy.jpg |
hostname | [eu/dk] cashrust - pve survival |
keywords | mp80,cp0,ptrak,qp0,$r?,v2574,^m,^r,eu,^p,born1735843686,gmvanilla,cs111282,^o^z,modded |
map | custom map |
max_players | 80 |
num_rules | 34 |
os | w |
port | 25566 |
protocol | 17 |
pve | false |
secure | 1 |
status | stok |
steam_id | 90258905496022047 |
uptime | 3255 |
url | https://discord.gg/bynnawxmky |
version | 2574 |
world.seed | 1337 |
world.size | 4096 |