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[2/1] Uprising Gone Wild - 10x|Kits|Events|Auto T1 BPs|TP|Insta

IP Address
Category Rust
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country United States US
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
build 111282
dedicated d
description_00 \t☢ welcome to uprising gone wild server - no playing admins - no abuse! ☢\n\n\t\t☣ wipes every thur
description_01 sdays!\n\t\t☣ advanced loot with junk removed, enhanced stack sizes!\n\t\t☣ great mix of plugins!(10
description_02 x, tp, homes, t1 bps, awesome loot, events)\n\t\t☣ 6 max team size!\n\t\t☣ hand picked maps: all maj
description_03 or monuments!\n\n\t\t☣ visit our website:\n\t\t☣ join our discord: htt
description_04 ps://\n\n\t\t\t☢ join our fun rust community today! ☢
ent_cnt 123046
fps 10
fps_avg 10.00
game_descr rust
game_dir rust
game_id 252490
gc_cl 117
gc_mb 3070
gmn rust
gmt survival
hash db6b87cb
hostname [2/1] uprising gone wild - 10x|kits|events|auto t1 bps|tp|insta
keywords mp150,cp0,ptrak,qp0,$rus2,v2574,^w,^e,na,born1738447297,gmrust,cs111282,^o^z
map procedural map
max_players 150
num_rules 34
os w
port 28045
protocol 17
pve false
secure 1
status stok
steam_id 90258910018495496
uptime 3900
version 2574
world.seed 31020247
world.size 4400


[2/1] Uprising Gone Wild - 10x|Kits|Events|Auto T1 BPs|TP|Insta Live Banner 1

[2/1] Uprising Gone Wild - 10x|Kits|Events|Auto T1 BPs|TP|Insta Live Banner 2

What is the [2/1] Uprising Gone Wild - 10x|Kits|Events|Auto T1 BPs|TP|Insta IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the [2/1] Uprising Gone Wild - 10x|Kits|Events|Auto T1 BPs|TP|Insta PORT?

Server PORT: 28046

