IP Address | |
Category | Counter Strike Source |
Server Owner | () |
Votes | 0 |
Country | United States ![]() |
Online Players | 0 |
Maximum Online Players | 4 |
Uptime | 100% |
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Variable | Value |
thirdpersonshoulder_detect_version | 1.5.3 |
attachments_api_check | 0.1 |
attachments_api_equip | 0.1 |
attachments_api_models | 1 |
attachments_api_version | 1.11 |
attachments_api_weapons | 1 |
bequiet_cvar_change_suppress | 1 |
bequiet_enable | 1 |
bequiet_version | 1.0h-2024/3/3 |
command_buffer_version | 2.9 |
convar_anomaly_autofix | 1 |
convar_anomaly_fix_nondefault | 1 |
convar_anomaly_roundstart | 1 |
convar_cfg_files_include | cfg/autoexec.cfg |
convar_cvar_check_areas | -1 |
convar_cvar_names_exclude | setmaster*banid |
deathmatch | 1 |
decalfrequency | 10 |
dedicated | d |
director_afk_timeout | 45 |
game_descr | l4d - co-op - normal |
game_dir | left4dead |
hlxce_plugin_version | 1.6.22h |
hlxce_version | 1.6.19h |
hlxce_webpage | https://bitbucket.org/maverick_of_uc/hlstatsx-community-edition/wiki/home |
hostname | valkyrie iv [usa] |
hostname_mapdisplay_enabled | 1 |
hostname_mapdisplay_format | {hostname} {mapname} |
hostname_mapdisplay_hostname | valkyrie iv [usa] |
hostname_mapdisplay_version | 1.0.1 |
keywords | empty,addons,no-steam |
l4d2pause_forceonly | 1 |
l4d_ai_hunter_skeet_dmg_fix_enable | 1 |
l4d_broadcast_kill | 1 |
l4d_custom_commands_version | 1.0.6b |
l4d_custom_vote_access | z |
l4d_drop_mininterval | 10 |
l4d_drop_restrict | 2 |
l4d_drop_timeviolation | 60 |
l4d_drop_version2 | 1.11 |
l4d_flashlight_allow | 1 |
l4d_flashlight_bright | 255.0 |
l4d_flashlight_brights | 255.0 |
l4d_flashlight_default | 1 |
l4d_flashlight_intro | 0.0 |
l4d_flashlight_precach | c1m3_mall |
l4d_flashlight_rainbow | 1 |
l4d_flashlight_rainbows | 3.0 |
l4d_flashlight_random | 1 |
l4d_flashlight_save | 1 |
l4d_flashlight_users | 1 |
l4d_flashlight_version | 2.31 |
l4d_gear_transfer_allow | 1 |
l4d_gear_transfer_dist_give | 150.0 |
l4d_gear_transfer_dist_grab | 150.0 |
l4d_gear_transfer_idle | 1 |
l4d_gear_transfer_method | 2 |
l4d_gear_transfer_notifies | 1 |
l4d_gear_transfer_notify | 4 |
l4d_gear_transfer_sounds | 1 |
l4d_gear_transfer_start | 0.0 |
l4d_gear_transfer_timeout | 5.0 |
l4d_gear_transfer_timer_give | 1.0 |
l4d_gear_transfer_timer_grab | 0.5 |
l4d_gear_transfer_traces | 15 |
l4d_gear_transfer_types_give | 123456789 |
l4d_gear_transfer_types_grab | 123456789 |
l4d_gear_transfer_types_real | 123456789 |
l4d_gear_transfer_version | 2.34 |
l4d_hats_allow | 1 |
l4d_hats_change | 1.3 |
l4d_hats_detect | 0.3 |
l4d_hats_menu | b |
l4d_hats_opaque | 255 |
l4d_hats_save | 1 |
l4d_hats_third | 1 |
l4d_hats_version | 1.51 |
l4d_hats_wall | 1 |
l4d_mapchanger_allow_custom | 1 |
l4d_mapchanger_allow_default | 1 |
l4d_mapchanger_announcedelay | 2.0 |
l4d_mapchanger_delay | 60 |
l4d_mapchanger_finale_change_type | 12 |
l4d_mapchanger_mapchange_notify_time | 10 |
l4d_mapchanger_nextmap_on_custom | 1 |
l4d_mapchanger_remove_mark_access | z |
l4d_mapchanger_server_print_info | 1 |
l4d_mapchanger_show_chapter_list | 1 |
l4d_mapchanger_timeout | 10 |
l4d_mapchanger_vetoaccess | d |
l4d_mapchanger_vip_voteaccess | 1 |
l4d_mapchanger_vote_stat_playtime | 600 |
l4d_mapchanger_vote_stat_points | 10000 |
l4d_mapchanger_votemark_minplayers | 1 |
l4d_multislots_bot_items_delete | 1 |
l4d_multislots_firstweapon | 6 |
l4d_multislots_max_survivors | 10 |
l4d_multislots_min_survivors | 4 |
l4d_multislots_respawn_invincibletime | 3.0 |
l4d_multislots_respawnhp | 100 |
l4d_multislots_secondweapon | 1 |
l4d_multislots_spec_message_interval | 25 |
l4d_multislots_version | 6.5-2024/5/10 |
l4d_multislots_versus_command_balance | 1 |
l4d_multislots_versus_teams_unbalance_limit | 1 |
l4d_nth_joinsurvivors | 1 |
l4d_nth_kill | 2 |
l4d_nth_spectate | 1 |
l4d_nth_timerrepeat | 120 |
l4d_nth_version | 1.4.1 |
l4d_rescue_vehicle_leave_timer_allow | 1 |
l4d_rescue_vehicle_leave_timer_map_off | c7m3_port |
l4d_rescue_vehicle_leave_timer_version | 1.1 |
l4d_scs_cookies | 1 |
l4d_skip_intro_allow | 1 |
l4d_skip_intro_version | 1.11 |
l4d_stats_version | 1.4b121 |
l4d_stoptk_version | 1.8.1 |
l4d_survivor_eyes_3rd_person_fov | 50 |
l4d_survivor_eyes_cookies | 1 |
l4d_survivor_eyes_detect | 0.5 |
l4d_survivor_eyes_enable | 1 |
l4d_survivor_eyes_version | 1.0.5 |
l4d_survivor_identity_fix_version | 1.7b |
l4d_survivoraipouncedfix_delay | 0.5 |
l4d_survivoraipouncedfix_range | 800 |
l4d_survivoraipouncedfix_version | 1.2.2 |
l4d_use_priority_version | 2.5 |
l4d_vote_kick_immunity | 1 |
l4d_vote_pass_access | z |
l4d_vote_restart_access | z |
l4d_vote_tank_kick_immunity | 1 |
l4d_vote_veto_access | z |
l4d_votekick_version | 4.3 |
l4d_votemanager | 1.5.6 |
l4d_votemode_admin_menu | 1 |
l4d_votemode_restart | 1 |
l4d_votemode_timeout | 30.0 |
l4d_votemode_version | 2.2 |
l4d_votetele_version | 1.9 |
left4dhooks_version | 1.145 |
lmc_adminonly | 1 |
lmc_allowsurvivors | 1 |
lmc_allowboomer | 1 |
lmc_allowhunter | 1 |
lmc_allowsmoker | 1 |
lmc_announcedelay | 15.0 |
lmc_l4d1_menu_choosing | 1.1.3 |
lmc_sharedcvars_version | 1.0.1 |
lmccore_version | 3.1.0 |
lmcedeathhandler_version | 1.1.4 |
lmcl4d1cdeathhandler_version | 1.1.1 |
lmcl4d1settransmit_version | 1.0.1 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_announce | 1 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_count_hint_type | 2 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_duration | 35 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_mobs | 5 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_open_chance | -1 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_outside_slay_duration | 60 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_percentage_survivors_near_saferoom | 60 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_prevent_spam_duration | 2.0 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_spam_bot_disable | 1 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_spam_hint | 1 |
lockdown_system-l4d2_type | 2 |
map | l4d_hospital01_apartment |
mapchanger_version | 3.7 |
max_players | 4 |
metamod_version | 2.0.0-dev+1315v |
mp_allownpcs | 1 |
mp_autocrosshair | 1 |
mp_autoteambalance | 1 |
mp_c4timer | 45 |
mp_flashlight | 1 |
mp_footsteps | 1 |
mp_forcerespawn | 1 |
mp_freezetime | 6 |
mp_friendlyfire | 1 |
mp_limitteams | 2 |
mp_roundtime | 5 |
mp_teamlist | hgrunt;scientist |
mp_teams_unbalance_limit | 1 |
num_rules | 526 |
os | l |
physics_object_pushfix_version | 1.0 |
points_advertising_ticks | 80 |
port | 27015 |
protocol | 7 |
r_airboatviewdampendamp | 1.0 |
r_airboatviewdampenfreq | 7.0 |
r_airboatviewzheight | 0.0 |
r_jeepviewdampendamp | 1.0 |
r_jeepviewdampenfreq | 7.0 |
r_jeepviewzheight | 10.0 |
r_vehicleviewdampen | 1 |
restorevocals_meleegrunt_chance | 10 |
restorevocals_tanktaunt_chance | 100 |
restorevocals_vocalize_chance | 100 |
rf_scr_version | $scrver |
sb_version | 1.8.1 |
sbchecker_version | 1.8.1 |
sbpp_report_version | 1.8.0 |
sceneprocessor_version | 1.0.1 |
secure | 1 |
shop_buy_notify_all_on | 1 |
shop_coop_on | 1 |
shop_cost_ammo | 15 |
shop_cost_autoshotgun | 40 |
shop_cost_extinguisher | 40 |
shop_cost_first_aid_kit | 88 |
shop_cost_freeze_infected | 3500 |
shop_cost_gascan | 18 |
shop_cost_health | 98 |
shop_cost_hunting_rifle | 35 |
shop_cost_infected_boomer | 10 |
shop_cost_infected_director_force_panic_event | 23 |
shop_cost_infected_health | 10 |
shop_cost_infected_hunter | 5 |
shop_cost_infected_kill | 4 |
shop_cost_infected_mob | 18 |
shop_cost_infected_smoker | 7 |
shop_cost_infected_tank | 50 |
shop_cost_infected_witch | 30 |
shop_cost_lethal_ammo_3 | 60 |
shop_cost_lmc_menu | 3500 |
shop_cost_molotov | 28 |
shop_cost_oxygentank | 18 |
shop_cost_pain_pills | 43 |
shop_cost_pipe_bomb | 28 |
shop_cost_pistol | 5 |
shop_cost_premanent_auto_bhop | 300 |
shop_cost_premanent_blue_ammo | 4000 |
shop_cost_premanent_gold_ammo | 5000 |
shop_cost_premanent_gray_ammo | 1000 |
shop_cost_premanent_green_ammo | 3000 |
shop_cost_premanent_parachute | 500 |
shop_cost_premanent_pink_ammo | 7000 |
shop_cost_premanent_purple_ammo | 8000 |
shop_cost_premanent_qing_gong | 300 |
shop_cost_premanent_random_ammo | 9000 |
shop_cost_premanent_red_ammo | 6000 |
shop_cost_prop_minigun | 900 |
shop_cost_propanetank | 18 |
shop_cost_pumpshotgun | 13 |
shop_cost_respawn_player | 150 |
shop_cost_rifle | 30 |
shop_cost_slay_infected | 5500 |
shop_cost_smg | 13 |
shop_cost_survivor_hats | 500 |
shop_cost_survivor_particle_eyes | 6666 |
shop_cost_trial_auto_bhop | 30 |
shop_cost_trial_blue_ammo | 400 |
shop_cost_trial_gold_ammo | 500 |
shop_cost_trial_gray_ammo | 200 |
shop_cost_trial_green_ammo | 300 |
shop_cost_trial_parachute | 50 |
shop_cost_trial_pink_ammo | 700 |
shop_cost_trial_purple_ammo | 800 |
shop_cost_trial_qing_gong | 30 |
shop_cost_trial_random_ammo | 999 |
shop_cost_trial_red_ammo | 666 |
shop_cost_witchyguard | 1000 |
shop_db_on | 1 |
shop_earn_defibrillate | 5 |
shop_earn_heal | 5 |
shop_earn_infected | 1 |
shop_earn_infected_num | 10 |
shop_earn_protect | 2 |
shop_earn_rescued | 2 |
shop_earn_revive | 2 |
shop_earn_revive_ledge_hang | 1 |
shop_earn_special | 10 |
shop_earn_tank_burn | 3 |
shop_earn_tank_killed | 2 |
shop_earn_witch | 10 |
shop_earn_witch_in_one_shot | 10 |
shop_infected_buy_respawn_on | 1 |
shop_infected_earn_charge | 1 |
shop_infected_earn_charge_collateral | 1 |
shop_infected_earn_grab | 1 |
shop_infected_earn_hurt | 2 |
shop_infected_earn_incapacitate | 5 |
shop_infected_earn_jockey_ride | 1 |
shop_infected_earn_pounce | 1 |
shop_infected_earn_survivor | 10 |
shop_infected_earn_vomit | 1 |
shop_limit_tanks | 30 |
shop_limit_witches | 9 |
shop_on | 1 |
shop_sf_on | 1 |
shop_shop_ammoss_on | 1 |
shop_shop_eyes_on | 1 |
shop_shop_hats_on | 1 |
shop_shop_helper_on | 1 |
shop_shop_infected_item_on | 1 |
shop_shop_lmc_on | 1 |
shop_shop_main_on | 1 |
shop_shop_medicines_on | 1 |
shop_shop_others_on | 1 |
shop_shop_respawn_on | 1 |
shop_shop_sf_bag_on | 1 |
shop_shop_sf_on | 1 |
shop_shop_sf_permanet_on | 1 |
shop_shop_sf_transfer_on | 1 |
shop_shop_sf_trial_on | 1 |
shop_shop_throwables_on | 1 |
shop_shop_weps_on | 1 |
shop_shop_witchguard_on | 1 |
shop_suicide_cmd_on | 1 |
shop_survival_on | 1 |
shop_transfer_handling_fee | 20 |
shop_transfer_notify_all_on | 1 |
shop_version | v4.5 |
shop_versus_on | 1 |
sm_advertisements_enabled | 1 |
sm_advertisements_file | advertisements.txt |
sm_advertisements_interval | 120 |
sm_advertisements_soundfile | ui/beepclear.wav |
sm_advertisements_version | 2.2.0 |
sm_cannounce_version | 2.0 |
sm_chatprocessor_colors_flag | z |
sm_chatprocessor_config | configs/chat_processor.cfg |
sm_chatprocessor_deadchat | 1 |
sm_chatprocessor_process_colors_default | 1 |
sm_chatprocessor_status | 1 |
sm_chatprocessor_strip_colors | 1 |
sm_chatprocessor_version | 2.2.3 |
sm_fcolors_version | 1.3 |
sm_heard_specials_version | 1.0 |
sm_helpmenu_admins | 1 |
sm_helpmenu_autoreload | 1 |
sm_helpmenu_discord_group | 1 |
sm_helpmenu_steam_group | 1 |
sm_helpmenu_version | 0.8 |
sm_hextags_version | 2.12 |
sm_rescue_five_plus_version | 1.0.0b |
sm_restart_empty_delay | 1.0 |
sm_restart_empty_enable | 1 |
sm_restart_empty_force_hour_end | -1 |
sm_restart_empty_force_hour_start | -1 |
sm_restart_empty_limit_hour_end | 24 |
sm_restart_empty_method | 2 |
sm_restart_empty_utc_delta | 0.0 |
sm_restart_empty_version | 2.3 |
sm_slot_vote_max | 9 |
sm_slot_vote_min | 4 |
sm_sourcesleuth_version | 1.8.0 |
sm_spawn_infected_nolimit_version | 1.3h-2024/3/15 |
sm_votekick_announcedelay | 2.0 |
sm_votekick_delay | 60 |
sm_votekick_kicktime | 900 |
sm_votekick_log | 1 |
sm_votekick_minplayers | 1 |
sm_votekick_minplayers_versus | 1 |
sm_votekick_show_kick_reason | 1 |
sm_votekick_show_vote_details | 1 |
sm_votekick_timeout | 10 |
sm_votekick_use_banfile_log | 1 |
sm_votekick_vetoflag | b |
sm_votemute_version | 1.0.105p |
sm_votetele_announcedelay | 2.0 |
sm_votetele_delay | 60 |
sm_votetele_log | 1 |
sm_votetele_maxdist | 100.0 |
sm_votetele_minplayers | 2 |
sm_votetele_msg_pos | 1 |
sm_votetele_overrideflag | b |
sm_votetele_preventontanks | 1 |
sm_votetele_tank_overrideflag | k |
sm_votetele_timeout | 10 |
sourcecomms_version | 1.8.1 |
sourcemod_version | |
steamappid | 500 |
superlogs_actions | 1 |
superlogs_headshots | 1 |
superlogs_l4d_version | 1.3.4h |
superlogs_meleeoverride | 1 |
superlogs_wstats | 1 |
survivor_afk_fix_ver | 1.0.4 |
sv_accelerate | 5 |
sv_airaccelerate | 10 |
sv_alltalk | 1 |
sv_footsteps | 1 |
sv_friction | 4 |
sv_gravity | 800 |
sv_maxspeed | 1000.000000 |
sv_noclipaccelerate | 5 |
sv_noclipfriction | 4 |
sv_noclipspeed | 5 |
sv_rollspeed | 200 |
sv_specaccelerate | 5 |
sv_specnoclip | 1 |
sv_specspeed | 3 |
sv_steamgroup | 45089533 |
sv_stepsize | 18 |
sv_stopspeed | 75 |
sv_tags | addons,no-steam |
sv_voiceenable | 1 |
sv_wateraccelerate | 10 |
sv_waterfriction | 1 |
tauntfrequency | 1 |
version | |
witch_target_patch_version | 1.4 |