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^1! ^7! ^3! ^1Od^7es^3sa ^1Retro ^2DM6 ^11^7v^31 ^1! ^7! ^3!

IP Address
Category Quake 3
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Germany DE
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
.admin www.excessiveplus.net/forums/thread/report-cheaters-here-no-comments
info 5= 5 5 5= 5=
uptime 0:39:12
bot_minplayers 2
clients 2
com_gamename quake3arena
com_protocol 71
g_blueteam ^4blue
g_gametype 1
g_redteam ^1red
gamename excessiveplus
mapname pro-q3dm6
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_dlrate 2048
sv_hostname ^1! ^7! ^3! ^1od^7es^3sa ^1retro ^2dm6 ^11^7v^31 ^1! ^7! ^3!
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_maxclients 12
timelimit 15
version ioq3 1.36_git_4003a5b-2021-03-17 linux-x86_64 apr 3 2021
xp_date jun 20 2014
xp_version 2.3 retro1v1.cfg fa84e819c0e3f5c2a0c186d55a300564 retro classic 1v1 v1.6


^1! ^7! ^3! ^1Od^7es^3sa ^1Retro ^2DM6 ^11^7v^31 ^1! ^7! ^3! Live Banner 1

^1! ^7! ^3! ^1Od^7es^3sa ^1Retro ^2DM6 ^11^7v^31 ^1! ^7! ^3! Live Banner 2

What is the ^1! ^7! ^3! ^1Od^7es^3sa ^1Retro ^2DM6 ^11^7v^31 ^1! ^7! ^3! IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the ^1! ^7! ^3! ^1Od^7es^3sa ^1Retro ^2DM6 ^11^7v^31 ^1! ^7! ^3! PORT?

Server PORT: 28100

