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>HELL <666> GATE 1<

IP Address
Category Quake 3
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Germany DE
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
clan <666>
gametype hook
grenade_detonation /bind {any key} bang
hook /bind {any key} +button5
modbuild 2.7
modcoder snoop<666>
modname bma (*black*metal*assault*)
modproducer huxx<666>
modsite http://bmamod.6x.to
website www.dungeon666.de
bot_minplayers 2
capturelimit 10
clients 2
fraglimit 30
g_highacc 1
gamename bma (*black*metal*assault*)
mapname q3dm1
protocol 43
sv_hostname >hell <666> gate 1<
sv_keywords demo
sv_maxclients 20
sv_maxrate 15000
sv_privateclients 4
timelimit 30
version q3 1.16n linux-i386 mar 14 2000


>HELL <666> GATE 1< Live Banner 1

>HELL <666> GATE 1< Live Banner 2

What is the >HELL <666> GATE 1< IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the >HELL <666> GATE 1< PORT?

Server PORT: 27960

