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Zombie Fun Server [ZM] !shop,!zprops,!lm [Unlim Ammo]

IP Address
Category Counter Strike Global Offensive
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Russia RU
Online Players 1
Maximum Online Players 42
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
sa3_version 3.1.3
adminplayergrab_version 1.0.1
cash_team_survive_guardian_wave 1000
csgo_lasermines_version 1.5.1
deathmatch 1
dedicated d
entwatch_version 1.0
game_descr counter-strike: global offensive
game_dir csgo
game_id 730
gs_zombiereloaded_sounds_version 3.7.2 anubis edition
gs_zombiereloaded_version 3.6.4 franug edition
hostname zombie fun server [zm] !shop,!zprops,!lm [unlim ammo]
keywords empty,!lm,1.6,laser,lm,min,no-steam,ru,russian,shop,skins,startmoney,unlim,unlim ammo,ze,zm,zmfs,zombie,zombie escape,secure
lk_min_donat_wlcm 500
map zm_downtown_zmfs_hdr
max_players 42
mc_version 1.3
mce_version 1.14.1
metamod_version 1.11.0-dev+1155v
mp_allownpcs 1
mp_autocrosshair 1
mp_c4timer 40
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcerespawn 1
mp_freezetime 5
mp_hostagepenalty 10
mp_respawnwavetime 10.0
mp_roundtime 6
mp_teamlist hgrunt;scientist
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 1
mp_timelimit 20
ne_version 1.14.1
num_players 1
num_rules 205
os l
port 27077
protocol 17
r_airboatviewdampendamp 1.0
r_airboatviewdampenfreq 7.0
r_airboatviewzheight 0.0
r_jeepviewdampendamp 1.0
r_jeepviewdampenfreq 7.0
r_jeepviewzheight 10.0
r_vehicleviewdampen 1
secure 1
shop_glow_version 1.0.2
shop_neon_version 1.3.0
sm_advanced_shop_version 3.0e8
sm_afkm_version 4.3.0
sm_buttonwatcher 1.1
sm_chatprocessor_config configs/chat_processor.cfg
sm_chatprocessor_process_colors_default 1
sm_chatprocessor_status 1
sm_chatprocessor_strip_colors 1
sm_chatprocessor_version 2.0.9
sm_countdowndetector_version 1.1.3
sm_csgothirdperson_version 1.6 cs:go edition
sm_dynamictransparencies 1.2
sm_flashlight_version 1.3.63
sm_gifts_core_version 3.2
sm_glowbuttons_version 1.2
sm_hlwh_allowtime 7
sm_hlwh_color 255 0 0
sm_hlwh_holdtime 10.0
sm_hlwh_locktime 10
sm_hlwh_x 0.1
sm_hlwh_y 0.9
sm_lasermines_buyzone 1
sm_lasermines_enable 1
sm_lasermines_price 500
sm_mirror_version 1.0
sm_nextmap zm_homebase_meow_v8_hdr
sm_ossj_countdown 5.0
sm_parachute_version 2.0
sm_radio_spam_block_version 1.0.1csgofix
sm_selfmute_version 1.03
sm_sf_alpha 255
sm_sf_blue 255
sm_sf_countdown 20.0
sm_sf_green 255
sm_sf_holdtime 10.0
sm_sf_radius0 299.0
sm_sf_radius1 300.0
sm_sf_red 255
sm_sf_sound zr/zombie_die1.mp3
sm_sf_time 3.0
sm_sf_volume 0.8
sm_sf_x 0.1
sm_sf_y 0.9
sm_shop_credits_version 1.4.3
sm_skillgod_alpha 255
sm_skillgod_blue 255
sm_skillgod_countdown 50.0
sm_skillgod_duration 1.0
sm_skillgod_green 255
sm_skillgod_holdtime 5.0
sm_skillgod_radius0 49.0
sm_skillgod_radius1 50.0
sm_skillgod_red 255
sm_skillgod_sound zr/zombie_die1.mp3
sm_skillgod_volume 1.0
sm_skillgod_x 0.1
sm_skillgod_y 0.9
sm_ww_alpha 255
sm_ww_blue 255
sm_ww_green 255
sm_ww_holdtime 10.0
sm_ww_hudtext #empty
sm_ww_red 255
sm_ww_timehurt 3.0
sm_ww_x 0.1
sm_ww_y 0.9
sourcetv_port 27020
steam_id 85568392932579802
steamappid 730
stripper_version 1.2.2
sv_accelerate 5.5
sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed 1
sv_airaccelerate 12
sv_allchat 1
sv_alltalk 1
sv_competitive_minspec 1
sv_deadtalk 1
sv_footsteps 1
sv_friction 5.2
sv_gravity 800
sv_kick_ban_duration 15
sv_max_allowed_net_graph 3
sv_maxspeed 500
sv_noclipaccelerate 5
sv_noclipspeed 5
sv_rollspeed 200
sv_spec_hear 1
sv_specaccelerate 5
sv_specnoclip 1
sv_specspeed 3
sv_steamgroup 5114777
sv_stepsize 18
sv_stopspeed 80
sv_tags !lm,1.6,laser,lm,min,no-steam,ru,russian,shop,skins,startmoney,unlim,unlim ammo,ze,zm,zmfs,zombie,zombie escape
sv_teamid_overhead 1
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed 1
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed 1
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 15
sv_wateraccelerate 10
sv_waterfriction 1
tv_advertise_watchable 1
tv_enable 1
zr_csgogreneffect_version 2.3.1 csgo fix by franc1sco franug
zr_repeatkill_version 1.2
zr_tools_version 1.6.1


Zombie Fun Server [ZM] !shop,!zprops,!lm [Unlim Ammo] Live Banner 1

Zombie Fun Server [ZM] !shop,!zprops,!lm [Unlim Ammo] Live Banner 2

What is the Zombie Fun Server [ZM] !shop,!zprops,!lm [Unlim Ammo] IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the Zombie Fun Server [ZM] !shop,!zprops,!lm [Unlim Ammo] PORT?

Server PORT: 27077

