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IP Address
Category Minecraft
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Russia RU
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
game_id minecraft
gametype smp
hostname -=zloy-minecraft-[zloygames.com]=-
hostport 25565
map world
maxplayers 30
plugins craftbukkit on bukkit 1.21.4-r0.1-snapshot: prometheusexporter 2.5.0; tradingplugin 0.9-alpha; chatfilter 2.0.14; placeholderapi 2.11.6; automessage 2.6.0; cmilib; laggremover 2.0.6; multiworld 5.2.8; permissionsex 1.23.4; qwertypassword 1.0; viaversion 5.2.1; vault 1.7.3-b131; worldedit 7.3.10-beta-01+cb9fd58; oreannouncer 2.8.5; essentials 2.21.0-dev+162-ea3ea20; worldguard 7.0.13-beta-2+5c4848b; bettersleeping4 4.0.2; skinsrestorer 15.5.2; shopkeepers 2.23.3; essentialschat 2.21.0-dev+162-ea3ea20; deathchest 2.2.7; rfchairs 6.0; craftbook 3.10.12,4873-a3b3554; betterrtp 3.6.13; essentialsspawn 2.21.0-dev+162-ea3ea20; coreprotect 23.0; worldguardextraflags 4.2.4-snapshot; worldeditsui 1.7.4; essentialsdiscord 2.21.0-dev+162-ea3ea20; authme 5.7.0-fork-b53; jobs; smoothtimber 1.27.0
version 1.21.4


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What is the -=ZLOY-Minecraft-[ZLOYGAMES.COM]=- IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the -=ZLOY-Minecraft-[ZLOYGAMES.COM]=- PORT?

Server PORT: 25565

