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Санкт-Петербургский [Public] 18+

IP Address
Category Counter Strike 1.6
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Russia RU
Online Players 7
Maximum Online Players 32
Uptime 100%

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/// BalaGun ///012:37:58
АлеЁна 3 топора1012:30:45
[V]Alliance ] Lexa[53Rus1712:14:07
Variable Value
customskies_version 0.0.1
stylec4timer 3.1
afk_manager_version 1.0.6 (amx 1.8.3)
amx_language ru
antiesp_enabled 1
army_ranks_ultimate 20.06.06
atb_advanced_version 1.5.1
awp_restrictions_version 1.6.0 (08/13/2021 18:42:45)
block_change_name 1
block_chat_time 5.0
block_grenade_flash 2
block_grenade_he 1
block_grenade_smoke 1
block_grenade_sound 1
block_hud_text 1
block_lantern 1
block_lantern_time 1
block_lantern_time_out 1.5
block_radio 2
block_radio_flood 10
block_spray 1
bonusmenu_rbs 20.06.06
chat_controller 20.06.06
dedicated d
ff_damage_reduction_bullets 0.35
ff_damage_reduction_grenade 0.25
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self 1.0
ff_damage_reduction_other 0.35
fg_rconshop 21.09.12
game_descr counter-strike
game_dir cstrike
hbf_enabled 1
hostname Санкт-Петербургский [public] 18+
map de_dust2
max_players 32
mp_afk_bomb_drop_time 5.0
mp_falldamage 1
mp_give_player_c4 1
mp_radio_maxinround 60
mp_radio_timeout 1.5
mp_respawn_immunity_effects 1
mp_respawn_immunitytime 0.200000
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed 1
new_kick_menu_version 1.5.0 (01/14/2022 10:21:57)
num_players 7
num_rules 67
os l
plugin_core_version 1.3.3 (03/02/2022 00:38:24)
port 27015
protocol 48
reaimdetector_version 0.2.2
skill_elo 20.06.06
spb_bets 1.0
statsx_unlimited 22.12.08
steamappid 10
stimulation_rbs 20.06.06
sv_allow_autoaim 1
topaward_rbs 20.06.06
ultimate_flags 20.06.06
ultimate_informer 21.03.23
ultimate_models 21.03.23
unreal_no_esp 3.40
unreal_spawn_fixer 1.2_resemiclip
wallhack_viewer 20.06.06
warmup_rbs 21.03.23
yav_version 1.8


Санкт-Петербургский [Public] 18+ Live Banner 1

Санкт-Петербургский [Public] 18+ Live Banner 2

What is the Санкт-Петербургский [Public] 18+ IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the Санкт-Петербургский [Public] 18+ PORT?

Server PORT: 27015

