Quake 3 Favicon
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^1! ^4! ^2! ^0RAIL ^2+ ^0HOOK ^2! ^4! ^1!

IP Address
Category Quake 3
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Netherlands NL
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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^0a Bot13
^0a Bot14
^0a Bot19
^0a Bot3
kenny hotz56
Variable Value
.admins onecredit
info 3k 3 3 3 3 3 us pl 3k 3f 35 2^ 3k 3.
uptime 45 days, 1:58:50
bot_minplayers 5
clients 6
fraglimit 100
g_blueteam ^o^0^4^0#c2#cc#d5#c5
g_redteam ^o^0^1^0#d2#c5#c4
gamename excessiveplus
mapname q3dm17
protocol 68
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_dlrate 2000
sv_dlurl http://quake.okayfun.com/maps/
sv_hostname ^1! ^4! ^2! ^0rail ^2+ ^0hook ^2! ^4! ^1!
sv_maxrate 50000
sv_maxclients 12
timelimit 10
version q3 1.32e linux-x86_64 nov 29 2019
xp_date jun 20 2014
xp_version 2.3 1vs4bots.cfg 3118df0e856007f0d721906925908f1d ^21 player ^3= ^24 bots ^1^f(wait for auto add)^s


^1! ^4! ^2!  ^0RAIL ^2+ ^0HOOK  ^2! ^4! ^1! Live Banner 1

^1! ^4! ^2!  ^0RAIL ^2+ ^0HOOK  ^2! ^4! ^1! Live Banner 2

What is the ^1! ^4! ^2! ^0RAIL ^2+ ^0HOOK ^2! ^4! ^1! IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the ^1! ^4! ^2! ^0RAIL ^2+ ^0HOOK ^2! ^4! ^1! PORT?

Server PORT: 9000

