IP Address | |
Category | Urban Terror |
Server Owner | () |
Votes | 0 |
Country | Austria ![]() |
Online Players | 0 |
Maximum Online Players | 0 |
Uptime | 100% |
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Variable | Value |
admin | frt|brutux |
xxx@xxx.xxx | |
auth | 1 |
auth_status | public |
g_allowvote | 1073741823 |
g_armbands | 1 |
g_bluewave | 15 |
g_bombdefusetime | 10 |
g_bombexplodetime | 30 |
g_deadchat | 1 |
g_followstrict | 1 |
g_funstuff | 1 |
g_hotpotato | 2 |
g_modversion | 4.2.018 |
g_redwave | 15 |
g_respawndelay | 5 |
g_roundtime | 3 |
g_skins | 1 |
g_suddendeath | 1 |
g_teamnameblue | rvsf |
g_teamnamered | cla |
g_walljumps | 3 |
gamename | q3urt42 |
mapname | ut4_prague |
protocol | 68 |
sv_dlurl | urbanterror.info |
sv_floodprotect | 1 |
sv_hostname | brutux frenchtouch server |
sv_maxclients | 12 |
timelimit | 20 |
version | ioq3 1.35 urt 4.2.018 linux-x86_64 jan 16 2014 |