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BTF Gaming Society TDM

IP Address
Category Quake 2
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country United States US
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
q2admin 1.17.44-tsmod-2
score_a warmup
score_b warmup
anticheat 1
clients 1
deathmatch 1
dmflags 1552
game tourney
gamedate apr 25 2000
gamedir tourney
gamename osp tourney dm v(2.76)
hostname btf gaming society tdm
mapname q2dm3
match_info none
match_type teamplay
maxclients 16
ngworldstats_status *** enabled ***
port 27911
time_remaining warmup
timelimit 15
version r1q2 b7864 i386 oct 1 2008 linux


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What is the BTF Gaming Society TDM IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the BTF Gaming Society TDM PORT?

Server PORT: 27911

