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^1P^7lay^1G^7round.ru TeamPlay 4vs4 server

IP Address
Category Quake 3
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Russia RU
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
players_blue (none)
players_red (none)
score_time waiting for players
capturelimit 8
g_gametype 3
gamename osp
gameversion osp v1.03a
mapname pro-q3dm6
protocol 68
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_floodprotect 1
sv_hostname ^1p^7lay^1g^7round.ru teamplay 4vs4 server
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_maxclients 12
timelimit 20
version q3 protocol 68 pgmod


^1P^7lay^1G^7round.ru TeamPlay 4vs4 server Live Banner 1

^1P^7lay^1G^7round.ru TeamPlay 4vs4 server Live Banner 2

What is the ^1P^7lay^1G^7round.ru TeamPlay 4vs4 server IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the ^1P^7lay^1G^7round.ru TeamPlay 4vs4 server PORT?

Server PORT: 27962

