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№[5] D2S Epic-Z PvE 1000 Zombies|Raidable Bases Monthly|Shop|

IP Address
Category Rust
Server Owner Anonymous
Votes 0
Country United States US
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
build 111282
dedicated d
description_00 dare2survive epic-z 1000+ zombie monthly wipe pve server\n - challenging zombie survival server that
description_01 has tons of events and plugins to help you.\n - 1000+ zombie horde and random zombie raiders\n - ex
description_02 perience terrifying environment - 45mins day/5min night\n - custom all materials quarry - base wide
description_03 work bench\n - never lose your gear when using revive - \n - xpsystems - rust rewards - x2 rp happy
description_04 hour - player ranks\n - /backpacks - quick sort - /trade - /remove \n - loot defender - prevent loot
description_05 ing - spin drop - stack modifier\n - vehicle decay protection - vehicle locks - lock on rockets\n -
description_06 bloodbags - /skinbox - /s shop - /info - /kits - /ad auto doors\n - sync pipe - vault - craft recyc
description_07 ler - tc upgrader\n - boss npc on large monuments with guards - custom paratroopers events\n - plane
description_08 crash - raidable bases - dangerous treasures\n - convoy - armored train - powerplant event - airfie
description_09 ld event - junkyard event - z-raid me\n and more....\nfor vip packages click the website link bel
description_10 ow.
ent_cnt 353370
fps 34
fps_avg 31.78
game_descr rust
game_dir rust
game_id 252490
gc_cl 227
gc_mb 5902
gmn rust
gmt survival
hash 8ecaa835
hostname №[5] d2s epic-z pve 1000 zombies|raidable bases monthly|shop|
keywords mp200,cp8,ptrak,qp0,$r?,v2574,^m,^r,^e,^p,born1735845352,gmrust,cs111282,^o^z
map procedural map
max_players 200
num_players 8
num_rules 34
os l
port 28029
protocol 17
pve false
secure 1
status stok
steam_id 90258789341685783
uptime 25136
version 2574
world.seed 390908530
world.size 4500


№[5] D2S Epic-Z PvE 1000 Zombies|Raidable Bases Monthly|Shop| Live Banner 1

№[5] D2S Epic-Z PvE 1000 Zombies|Raidable Bases Monthly|Shop| Live Banner 2

What is the №[5] D2S Epic-Z PvE 1000 Zombies|Raidable Bases Monthly|Shop| IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the №[5] D2S Epic-Z PvE 1000 Zombies|Raidable Bases Monthly|Shop| PORT?

Server PORT: 28026

