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Rust For Noobs | 10X | Modded | PVP | CA

IP Address
Category Rust
Server Owner Anonymous
Votes 0
Country Canada CA
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 180
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
build 112746
dedicated d
description_00 welcome to the rust for noobs 10x ca server.\nmonthly wipes.\nddos protection\nhigh proformance serv
description_01 ers.\nanti offline raid protection \nwith damage scaling based on time away.\nevents. \njoin discord
description_02 epxettf \nanything goes\nmodded \nlist of mods \nbackpacks \nbgrade \nnobp \nfriends and shared aut
description_03 h \nfurnace splitter \ninstant craft \nkits \nmore loot \nquick smelt \nteleport \nremover tool \nsa
description_04 msiteauth \nvehicle licence buy \nautomatic auth tc for friends
ent_cnt 111882
fps 68
fps_avg 66.90
game_descr rust
game_dir rust
game_id 252490
gc_cl 193
gc_mb 2429
gmn rust
gmt survival
hash 771b4ec5
hostname rust for noobs | 10x | modded | pvp | ca
io pl0,sl9,tm12,tr10,wt1738868771,cs52
keywords mp180,cp0,ptrak,qp0,$rca1,v2580,born1738868771,gmrust,cs112746,^o^z
map procedural map
max_players 180
num_rules 35
os w
port 28043
protocol 17
pve false
secure 1
status stok
steam_id 90258972637706264
uptime 37853
version 2580
world.seed 1337
world.size 4600


Rust For Noobs | 10X | Modded | PVP | CA Live Banner 1

Rust For Noobs | 10X | Modded | PVP | CA Live Banner 2

What is the Rust For Noobs | 10X | Modded | PVP | CA IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the Rust For Noobs | 10X | Modded | PVP | CA PORT?

Server PORT: 28045

