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RustyNutsParty UK - NO KOS - PvE+HPvP - Beginner Friendly - Low

IP Address
Category Rust
Server Owner Anonymous
Votes 0
Country United Kingdom GB
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 50
Uptime 100%

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build 100451
dedicated d
description_00 welcome to rustynutsparty. a uk hosted server that was established in 2017\n\n*server updated: 06-07
description_01 -2024*\n*map only wiped: 04-07-2024*\n*next map only wipe: 18-07-2024*\n\n\nevents active: \n*sputni
description_02 k\n*plane crash\n*caravan\n\nmain features: (type /info in chat)\n\nwater bases.\nraiding permitted.
description_03 \nheli spawns.\n2x resource stacks.\nauto furnace sorter.\n2.5x smelting.\nraid alarm.\nmovable cctv
description_04 cameras.\n\nactive admin (nightraven)\n\nupon spawning the rules will be shown and must be accepted
description_05 to play. after this the server rules can be viewed either by typing /info in-game in the global cha
description_06 t box or by viewing our discord server under #game-rules\n\nfailure to adhere to the rule-set while
description_07 playing will result in action being taken.\n\nthank you for playing and we hope you enjoy your stay.
description_08 \n should you be unfortunate to recieve a ban whether automatic or by the admin you can appeal by en
description_09 tering your steam64 id on the form at:\n
ent_cnt 127410
fps 123
fps_avg 113.45
game_descr rust
game_dir rust
game_id 252490
gc_cl 195
gc_mb 3461
gmn rust
gmt survival
hash 719fc225
hostname rustynutsparty uk - no kos - pve+hpvp - beginner friendly - low
io pl0,sl10,tm12,tr10,wt1720116683,cs9
keywords mp50,cp0,ptrak,qp0,$ruk1,v2552,eu,born1720116683,gmrust,cs100451,^b,^o^z
map procedural map
max_players 50
num_rules 35
os w
port 28080
protocol 17
pve false
secure 1
status stok
steam_id 90199990936401929
uptime 60708
version 2552
world.seed 384748397
world.size 4250


RustyNutsParty UK - NO KOS - PvE+HPvP - Beginner Friendly - Low Live Banner 1

RustyNutsParty UK - NO KOS - PvE+HPvP - Beginner Friendly - Low Live Banner 2

What is the RustyNutsParty UK - NO KOS - PvE+HPvP - Beginner Friendly - Low IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the RustyNutsParty UK - NO KOS - PvE+HPvP - Beginner Friendly - Low PORT?

Server PORT: 28015

