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Rustko US Vanilla | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad | Biweekly WIPE 02/20

IP Address
Category Rust
Server Owner Anonymous
Votes 0
Country United States US
Online Players 2
Maximum Online Players 75
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
build 114035
dedicated d
description_00 click view webpage to join our discord: \n \nveterans and noobs are welcome. we s
description_01 trive to be noob friendly and help others to learn, so please be nice and considerate to others. \n
description_02 \nserver features \n✔ custom map, minicopters on road, combined outpost & bandit, reyclers at fishin
description_03 g village\n✔ no lag, high performance dedicated box in us east\n✔ vanilla experience w/ decreased de
description_04 cay, decreased rain & fog chance \n✔ active admins & mods, reports in-game and discord monitored 24/
description_05 7\n✔ biweekly wipes on 1st and 3rd thursday, 2pm est (last wiped: 02/20) \n \nglobal rules \n- no ch
description_06 eating, exploits, scripting, and no game bans in the past year \n- no racism, homophobia or discrimi
description_07 nation \n- mature space, no trolls or excessively toxic players \n- vpns permitted, but we may reque
description_08 st you temporarily disable it \n- we discourage offline raiding, and griefing of bases, please onlin
description_09 e other players when possible to help everyone learn \n \nteam size rules \n- group limit: 4\n- team
description_10 mates are not required to share a base, but anyone on your team may not exceed the group limit \n- t
description_11 eam swaps are for the wipe, removed players may not return to your team until the next wipe \n- neut
description_12 rality between teams is permitted, but no aid in pvp combat under any circumstances, including tradi
description_13 ng raiding materials \n- trades with neighbors must be equal, like with any other player \n \nplayer
description_14 rpeorts: if you find a player breaking the rules, please use /report, f7 or open a ticket in discor
description_15 d. our admins will receive reports through any of these methods. do not call out players in chat. \n
ent_cnt 52171
fps 102
fps_avg 136.73
game_descr rust
game_dir rust
game_id 252490
gc_cl 180
gc_mb 1660
gmn rust
gmt survival
hash 8a8fc66f
headerimage 1
hostname rustko us vanilla | solo/duo/trio/quad | biweekly wipe 02/20
keywords mp75,cp1,ptrak,qp0,$r?,v2580,^b,^v,born1740078788,gmrust,cs114035,rustmaps,^o,rustmaps
logoimage 1
max_players 75
num_players 2
num_rules 35
os l
port 28016
protocol 17
pve false
secure 1
status stok
steam_id 90260366901151763
uptime 50069
version 2580
world.seed 1337
world.size 3000


Rustko US Vanilla | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad | Biweekly WIPE 02/20 Live Banner 1

Rustko US Vanilla | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad | Biweekly WIPE 02/20 Live Banner 2

What is the Rustko US Vanilla | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad | Biweekly WIPE 02/20 IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the Rustko US Vanilla | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad | Biweekly WIPE 02/20 PORT?

Server PORT: 28015

