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[UA] DNET CS Public Server #1

IP Address
Category Counter Strike 1.6
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Ukraine UA
Online Players 10
Maximum Online Players 30
Uptime 100%

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E-UA | T I Q E R | XAPKIB712:02:14
Variable Value
colored translit cheat loaded
colored translit config loaded
colored translit ignores loaded
colored translit replace loaded
colored translit spam loaded
colored translit status loaded
colored translit swear loaded
colored translit version 3.0 final
vtc_version 2017rc5
_tutor_bomb_viewable_check_interval 0.5
_tutor_examine_time 0.5
_tutor_hint_interval_time 10.0
_tutor_look_angle 10
_tutor_look_distance 200
_tutor_message_character_display_time_coefficient 0.07
_tutor_message_minimum_display_time 1
_tutor_message_repeats 5
_tutor_view_distance 1000
adminload_version 3.9.1
allow_spectators 1
amx_client_languages 1
amx_language en
amx_nextmap fy_dustworld
amx_timeleft 25:48
amxmodx_version 1.8.2
bazooka_buyable 1
bazooka_cost 12000
bazooka_dropping 1
bazooka_restrict c
bazooka_tkpunish1 1
bazooka_tkpunish2 3
deathmatch 1
decalfrequency 60
dedicated d
dp_version 0.9.582
edgefriction 2
game_descr [maximum_oruzhiya]
game_dir cstrike
game_id 10
hackdetector_version 0.15.328.lite
hostname [ua] dnet cs public server #1
humans_join_team any
map $2000$
max_players 30
max_queries_sec 1
max_queries_sec_global 1
max_queries_window 1
metamod_version 1.21p37
mp_autoteambalance 1
mp_buytime 0.5
mp_c4timer 35
mp_chattime 7
mp_consistency 1
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_freezetime 1
mp_ghostfrequency 0.1
mp_kickpercent 1
mp_limitteams 2
mp_logfile 1
mp_logmessages 1
mp_mapvoteratio 0.66
mp_playerid 1
mp_roundtime 1.75
mp_startmoney 800
mp_timelimit 35.000000
mp_windifference 1
nademodes_version 11.2
num_bots 2
num_players 10
num_rules 156
os l
pb_aim_damper_coefficient_x 0.22
pb_aim_damper_coefficient_y 0.22
pb_aim_deviation_x 2.0
pb_aim_deviation_y 1.0
pb_aim_influence_x_on_y 0.25
pb_aim_influence_y_on_x 0.17
pb_aim_notarget_slowdown_ratio 0.5
pb_aim_offset_delay 1.2
pb_aim_spring_stiffness_x 13.0
pb_aim_spring_stiffness_y 13.0
pb_aim_target_anticipation_ratio 2.2
pb_aim_type 4
pb_autokilldelay 45
pb_bot_join_team any
pb_dangerfactor 2000
pb_latencybot 1
pb_mapstartbotdelay 10
pb_maxbots 8
pb_maxbotskill 80
pb_maxcamptime 30
pb_maxweaponpickup 10
pb_minbotskill 40
pb_numfollowuser 5
pb_restrequipammo 000000000
pb_restrweapons 00000000000000000000000000
pb_skin 5
pb_spray 1
pb_timer_grenade 0.5
pb_timer_pickup 0.3
pb_timer_sound 0.5
pb_version v3b22c
pb_wptfolder wptdefault
port 27015
protocol 48
santa_hat 1.3
secure 1
steam_id 90071992547409920
steamappid 10
sv_accelerate 5
sv_airaccelerate 99999
sv_airmove 1
sv_allowupload 1
sv_alltalk 1
sv_bounce 1
sv_clienttrace 1.0
sv_friction 4
sv_gravity 800
sv_maxrate 50000
sv_maxspeed 900
sv_minrate 30000
sv_region 255
sv_stepsize 18
sv_stopspeed 75
sv_uploadmax 0.5
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_wateraccelerate 10
sv_waterfriction 1
umm_version 3.0.3(z)
whb_version 1.5.697


[UA] DNET CS Public Server #1 Live Banner 1

[UA] DNET CS Public Server #1 Live Banner 2

What is the [UA] DNET CS Public Server #1 IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the [UA] DNET CS Public Server #1 PORT?

Server PORT: 27015

