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__ DeathMatch|CSDM_Москва-Люберцы_|Дети 90-x| __

IP Address
Category Counter Strike 1.6
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country Russia RU
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Pycckuu' 6oT1711:36:12
KpacHblu fpaG1411:36:12
Variable Value
crxbasicskills 1.1
crxknifemodels 3.1.1
allow_spectators 1
amx_language ru
amx_nextmap de_dust_csgo
army_ranks_ultimate 20.06.06
bonusmenu_rbs 20.06.06
chat_controller 20.06.06
chat_rbs 20.10.24beta
csdm_active 1
csdm_remove_weapon_dead 1
csdm_spec_menu_always 1
csdm_unlimited_team_changes 1
csdm_version 3.6
csstats_mysql 21.08.22beta
deathmatch 1
decalfrequency 60
dedicated d
dmtb_nw_version 1.0.0
edgefriction 2
ff_damage_reduction_bullets 0.35
ff_damage_reduction_grenade 0.25
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self 1.0
ff_damage_reduction_other 0.25
game_descr counter-strike
game_dir cstrike
hackdetector_version 0.15.328.lite
hostname __ deathmatch|csdm_Москва-Люберцы_|Дети 90-x| __
humans_join_team any
jobs_rbs 20.06.06
lite_aesp 1.1
map $2000$
mapm_version 3.0.7
max_players 32
max_queries_sec 1
max_queries_sec_global 1
max_queries_window 1
mode2x2_version 2.5re
mp_afk_bomb_drop_time 9
mp_autokick_timeout -1
mp_autoteambalance 2
mp_c4timer 60
mp_consistency 1
mp_falldamage 1
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcecamera 2
mp_forcechasecam 1
mp_give_player_c4 1
mp_hostages_rescuetime 60
mp_item_staytime 300
mp_kickpercent 0.60
mp_limitteams 1
mp_logfile 1
mp_logmessages 1
mp_mapvoteratio 0.60
mp_playerid 1
mp_radio_maxinround 60
mp_radio_timeout 1.4
mp_respawn_immunity_effects 1
mp_respawn_immunity_force_unset 1
mp_round_infinite f
mp_round_restart_delay 8
mp_roundover 1
mp_roundtime 4.00
mp_scoreboard_showdefkit 1
mp_scoreboard_showhealth 5
mp_show_scenarioicon 1
mp_spawnprotectiontime 60.0
mp_timeleft 05:11
mp_timelimit 17
num_bots 4
num_players 4
num_rules 132
online_helper_version 2.1.3
os l
pb_aim_damper_coefficient_x 0.22
pb_aim_damper_coefficient_y 0.22
pb_aim_deviation_x 2.0
pb_aim_deviation_y 1.0
pb_aim_influence_x_on_y 0.25
pb_aim_influence_y_on_x 0.17
pb_aim_notarget_slowdown_ratio 0.5
pb_aim_offset_delay 1.2
pb_aim_spring_stiffness_x 13.0
pb_aim_spring_stiffness_y 13.0
pb_aim_target_anticipation_ratio 2.2
pb_aim_type 4
pb_autokilldelay 8
pb_bot_join_team any
pb_dangerfactor 2000
pb_firsthumanrestart 1
pb_latencybot 2
pb_mapstartbotdelay 20
pb_maxbots 4
pb_maxbotskill 99
pb_maxcamptime 4
pb_maxweaponpickup -1
pb_minbotskill 60
pb_numfollowuser 2
pb_restrequipammo 000000000
port 27027
protocol 48
secure 1
steamappid 10


__ DeathMatch|CSDM_Москва-Люберцы_|Дети 90-x| __ Live Banner 1

__ DeathMatch|CSDM_Москва-Люберцы_|Дети 90-x| __ Live Banner 2

What is the __ DeathMatch|CSDM_Москва-Люберцы_|Дети 90-x| __ IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the __ DeathMatch|CSDM_Москва-Люберцы_|Дети 90-x| __ PORT?

Server PORT: 27027

