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nN-[Ragnarok]-[PVE Omega Rewards Seeds AA]] - (

IP Address
Category ARK: Survival Evolved
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country France FR
Online Players 3
Maximum Online Players 64
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
customservername_s nn-[ragnarok]-[pve omega rewards seeds aa]]
daytime_s 74012
gamemode_s testgamemode_c
hasactivemods_i 1
matchtimeout_f 120.000000
mod0_s 761535755:ad6dbd1549217d31d820ad8f8e7e6f14
mod1_s 1260983937:2e74dfa640b306a4bd3aaf87bb32ed8d
mod2_s 1438271117:9efe52bc4491ebe5e5f1f08c528085b9
mod3_s 2447186973:f067ba294df470261bd4b29f67153794
numopenpubconn 64
owningid 90257598107762701
owningname 90257598107762701
p2paddr 90257598107762701
p2pport 7777
searchkeywords_s custom
serverusesbattleye_b true
sessionflags 683
sessionispve_i 1
serverpassword_b false
dedicated d
game_descr ark: survival evolved
game_dir ark_survival_evolved
game_id 346110
hostname nn-[ragnarok]-[pve omega rewards seeds aa]] - (
keywords ,owningid:90257598107762701,owningname:90257598107762701,numopenpubconn:64,p2paddr:90257598107762701,p2pport:7777,legacy_i:0
map ragnarok
max_players 64
num_players 3
num_rules 25
os l
port 7777
protocol 17
secure 1
steam_id 90257598107762701


nN-[Ragnarok]-[PVE Omega Rewards Seeds AA]] - ( Live Banner 1

nN-[Ragnarok]-[PVE Omega Rewards Seeds AA]] - ( Live Banner 2

What is the nN-[Ragnarok]-[PVE Omega Rewards Seeds AA]] - ( IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the nN-[Ragnarok]-[PVE Omega Rewards Seeds AA]] - ( PORT?

Server PORT: 27015

