IP Address | |
Category | Rust |
Server Owner | Anonymous |
Votes | 0 |
Country | United States ![]() |
Website | https://rustelevated.com |
Players Online | 0/0 |
Online Players | 0 |
Maximum Online Players | 0 |
Uptime | 100% |
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Variable | Value |
build | 111282 |
dedicated | d |
description_00 | welcome to workers.gg, the best 5x server around with premium plugins and everything you need for a |
description_01 | well balanced rust experience! busy with work/school or other obligations? this server is for you! y |
description_02 | ou can play when available and use the raid protection when your away so you cant get offline raided |
description_03 | .\n\nwipes every first thursday at 1pm cst.\n\n★ features ★\n\n★ 5x gather/smelt\n★ teleports\n★ spa |
description_04 | wn mini with instant take-off and higher speed\n★ custom loot tables without junk\n★ no bp wipes\n★ |
description_05 | raid protection so you can't get offlined\n★ custom map and monuments\n★ workbench extended anywhere |
description_06 | in base\n★ active admins\n\nfor more information use /info command in-game or join our discord by p |
description_07 | ressing the view webpage button on the left or visit workers.gg! thanks for playing! |
ent_cnt | 112466 |
fps | 29 |
fps_avg | 28.75 |
game_descr | rust |
game_dir | rust |
game_id | 252490 |
gc_cl | 228 |
gc_mb | 2753 |
gmn | rust |
gmt | survival |
hash | c7ca7775 |
headerimage | https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/evvbhudos6ir0q0tvoq7i/5x-trioserverheader.jpg?rlkey=jus9kyp410c2y9bjjlna1v00u&dl=1 |
hostname | workers.gg us 5x solo/duo/trio |
keywords | mp100,cp3,ptrak,qp0,$r?,v2574,^m,na,born1735844745,gmrust,cs111282,^o^z,rustmaps |
logoimage | https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6u2h2wa1z5i1ld8ga3uip/newtonxd_no_text_png.png?rlkey=b2vvrkooj9hlqdxznqdgetq5g&dl=1 |
map | custom map |
max_players | 100 |
num_players | 3 |
num_rules | 35 |
os | l |
port | 28043 |
protocol | 17 |
pve | false |
secure | 1 |
status | stok |
steam_id | 90258786174546965 |
uptime | 26414 |
url | https://workers.gg/ |
version | 2574 |
world.levelurl | https://maps.rustmaps.com/262/89cfd45c947b4a219d750e91f3a8ab2d/procedural__3750_lpyzkwstquypmvuveyeytw.map |
world.seed | 1995245930 |
world.size | 3750 |