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[KTS] | Desi Automix Clan Server

IP Address
Category Counter Strike 1.6
Server Owner ()
Votes 0
Country India IN
Online Players 9
Maximum Online Players 10
Uptime 100%

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(B) Leopard501:02:37
(B) Salvation112:21:07
(B) ihBa~212:08:41
(A) ^.~ |112:11:07
(A) El_Baka.412:03:25
(A) ^-z1-^812:09:57
(A) xXx012:02:20
(A) ^_-__FoXie_MinD__-_^812:11:05
(B) TheLazzyLord®312:10:17
Variable Value
@motdcommands 1.0
simplemenu 1.0
_tutor_bomb_viewable_check_interval 0.5
_tutor_examine_time 0.5
_tutor_hint_interval_time 10.0
_tutor_look_angle 10
_tutor_look_distance 200
_tutor_message_character_display_time_coefficient 0.07
_tutor_message_minimum_display_time 1
_tutor_message_repeats 5
_tutor_view_distance 1000
accuracy_fix 1.0
aesp_version 1.3
amx_adminloginsystem 2.0
amx_automix_mod 1.1.9-f
amx_client_languages 1
amx_nextmap de_train
amx_rtv4automix 1
amx_timeleft 00:00
amxmodx_version 1.8.2
deathmatch 1
decalfrequency 60
dedicated d
edgefriction 2
game_descr [team a] 3 - 2 [team b]
game_dir cstrike
hostname [kts] | desi automix clan server
humans_join_team ct
map de_inferno
max_players 10
max_queries_sec 1
max_queries_sec_global 1
max_queries_window 1
metamod_version 1.3.66
mp_autokick_timeout -1
mp_buytime .25
mp_c4timer 35
mp_chattime 5
mp_consistency 1
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcecamera 2
mp_forcechasecam 2
mp_freezetime 6
mp_friendlyfire 1
mp_ghostfrequency 0.1
mp_kickpercent 0.66
mp_limitteams 6
mp_logfile 1
mp_logmessages 1
mp_mapvoteratio 0.66
mp_roundtime 1.75
mp_startmoney 800
mp_windifference 1
mutemenu 1
num_players 9
num_rules 134
os l
port 27015
protocol 48
pug_acehud 1
pug_afkkick 1
pug_beginner 200
pug_bombdefusepoints 5
pug_bombplantpoints 3
pug_detecttk 1
pug_hardcore 1900
pug_killosepoints 1
pug_killpoints 4
pug_knifelosespoints 4
pug_knifepoints 10
pug_kniferound 1
pug_leavesmatchpoints 20
pug_leavesmatchtime 360
pug_losesmatchpoints 10
pug_mapvote 1
pug_notreadyxpos 0.02
pug_notreadyypos 0.19
pug_players 10
pug_playersmethod 2
pug_playsuntilendpoints 30
pug_pro 1400
pug_ranking 1
pug_rankssystem 1
pug_rankssystemmessages 1
pug_readyxpos 0.72
pug_readyypos 0.19
pug_regular 500
pug_teamkillpoints 8
pug_teamtag 1
pug_timeleft 30
pug_veteran 900
pug_winsmatchpoints 15
reauthcheck_version 0.1.6
reu_version 0.1.75
secure 1
steamappid 10
sv_accelerate 5
sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_bounce 1
sv_clienttrace 1
sv_friction 4
sv_gravity 800
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_maxspeed 320
sv_minrate 15000
sv_stepsize 18
sv_stopspeed 75
sv_uploadmax 0.5
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_wateraccelerate 10
sv_waterfriction 1
ultimatebans_version 1.9
whb_version 1.5.695


[KTS] | Desi Automix Clan Server Live Banner 1

[KTS] | Desi Automix Clan Server Live Banner 2

What is the [KTS] | Desi Automix Clan Server IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the [KTS] | Desi Automix Clan Server PORT?

Server PORT: 27015

