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Other Other Rusty Warehouse - Noob Friendly since Dec 2015

IP Address
Category Rust
Server Owner Anonymous
Votes 0
Country United States US
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
build 78044
dedicated d
description_00 welcome to the other other rusty warehouse - noob friendly since december 2015!\nnoob friendly - we
description_01 try to be noob friendly and regulars won't kos\nrules: don't be a dick, no griefing, no using exploi
description_02 ts, and no hacking!\nwe usually split airdrops and timed crates so go for them. don't steal from com
description_03 munity machines.\npvp areas rotate daily so check using !pvp in chat.\nraid week is the final week o
description_04 f the wipe. no raiding until then.\ntype !bangs in chat for some helpful commands\nask for help peo
description_05 ple are good about helping out if you need it,...\nwe give what we get, ... friendly and the server
description_06 is friendly, not and we aren’t\nsay admin in chat to locate an admin.\ncheck out our steam group: th
description_07 e rusty warehouse\nif you need to discuss something with admins you can email: rustywarehouse@gmail.
description_08 com\n
ent_cnt 163212
fps 48
fps_avg 47.95
game_descr rust
game_dir rust
game_id 252490
gc_cl 470
gc_mb 10085
gmn rust
gmt survival
hash 862cd8a5
hostname other other rusty warehouse - noob friendly since dec 2015
keywords mp100,cp0,ptrak,qp0,v2367,h862cd8a5,stok,born1672945501,gmrust,oxide
map procedural map
max_players 100
num_rules 32
os w
port 28315
protocol 17
pve false
secure 1
steam_id 90168089348075531
uptime 542926
version 2367
world.seed 2112792407
world.size 5000


Other Other Rusty Warehouse - Noob Friendly since Dec 2015 Live Banner 1

Other Other Rusty Warehouse - Noob Friendly since Dec 2015 Live Banner 2

What is the Other Other Rusty Warehouse - Noob Friendly since Dec 2015 IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the Other Other Rusty Warehouse - Noob Friendly since Dec 2015 PORT?

Server PORT: 28315

