IP Address | |
Category | Rust |
Server Owner | Anonymous |
Votes | 0 |
Country | United States ![]() |
Website | https://discord.gg/tFmez7Z |
Players Online | 0/0 |
Online Players | 0 |
Maximum Online Players | 0 |
Uptime | 100% |
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Variable | Value |
build | 111282 |
dedicated | d |
description_00 | slayers.gg 100x | the #1 zombie pvp rust experience! \n\nvip: slayers.gg | discord: discord.gg/slaye |
description_01 | rsgg | wipe: weekly friday 10am est\n\nfeatures: \n✵ free skin, bgrade, remover tool, mini and roami |
description_02 | ng zombies! \n✵ fly planes! starwars plane, ufos, batbike, madmax, semitruck! \n✵ skins, heli, kits, |
description_03 | tp, homes, shop, weed and cooking plugin \n✵ buy raidable bases with /buyraid \n✵ xp level system w |
description_04 | ith specs, skills and talents \n✵ armored train, convoy, military and airfield events \n✵ rp buyable |
description_05 | patrol helicopter and bradley \n✵ paintball arena, survival arena and dueling arena events \n✵ 50% |
description_06 | more explosives offline raid protection \n✵ buildable custom monuments \n✵ join the fun! \n\nserver |
description_07 | rules: \n1.) no hacking, glitching, or exploiting. \n2.) respect staff. \n3.) no foundation or item |
description_08 | spam. \n4.) no slurs, racism, hate speech or toxicity. \n5.) 10 man clan limit. \n6.) do not call ou |
description_09 | t hackers in global chat, report them with f7 report and discord ticket. \n7.) no griefing players b |
description_10 | ases, remove everything placed within 30 minutes after a raid. |
ent_cnt | 58630 |
fps | 56 |
fps_avg | 55.45 |
game_descr | rust |
game_dir | rust |
game_id | 252490 |
gc_cl | 246 |
gc_mb | 2753 |
gmn | rust |
gmt | survival |
hash | c7ca7775 |
headerimage | https://cdn3.mapstr.gg/b02edb9403315f4bcc1bbe0df0ba88bb.png |
hostname | slayers.gg 100x #1 pvp zombies|planes|scrap|skin|kits|tp |
io | pl4,sl42,tm8,tr10,wt1738328497,cs48 |
keywords | mp500,cp4,ptrak,qp0,$r?,v2574,^w,na,born1738328497,gmrust,cs111282,^o^z |
logoimage | https://i.ibb.co.com/t23gj9l/slayers-rust-bright-white-bigger-transparent.png |
map | #1 pvp server! |
max_players | 244 |
num_players | 4 |
num_rules | 35 |
os | l |
port | 28014 |
protocol | 17 |
pve | false |
secure | 1 |
status | stok |
steam_id | 90258794389552136 |
uptime | 17845 |
url | https://discord.gg/slayersgg |
version | 2574 |
world.seed | 1337 |
world.size | 4096 |