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Rambo vs Zombie

IP Address
Category ARK: Survival Evolved
Server Owner Anonymous
Votes 0
Country South Africa ZA
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Uptime 100%

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Variable Value
airdropfrequency 24
airdropmarker true
allowcrossplay false
allowspawnnearbackpack true
architecture64 true
bedrolldeadzonesize 15
bedrollexpirytime 45
blockdamageai 100
blockdamageaibm 100
blockdamageplayer 100
blockdurabilitymodifier -1
bloodmoonenemycount 8
bloodmoonfrequency 10
bloodmoonwarning 8
buildcreate false
currentservertime 3440974
daycount 3
daylightlength 18
daynightlength 60
deathpenalty 1
dropondeath 3
eacenabled true
enemyspawnmode true
freeplayerslots 32
gamedifficulty 2
gamehost rambo vs zombie
gamemode survival
gamename rambo 7dtd
gametype 7dtd
isdedicated true
ispasswordprotected false
ispublic true
landclaimcount 2
landclaimdeadzone 30
landclaimexpirytime 10
landclaimonlinedurabilitymodifier 1
landclaimsize 41
language english
levelname old loiki territory
lootabundance 200
lootrespawndays 10
maxchunkage 10
maxplayers 32
maxspawnedanimals 50
maxspawnedzombies 60
moddedconfig false
partysharedkillrange 400
ping -1
platform linuxserver
playgroup standalone
playerkillingmode 2
port 7130
questprogressiondailylimit 4
region africa
requiresmod false
sanctionsignored false
serverdescription\n\npvp is on but no gain..but remember dont be a ass!!\npvp is on but no gain..but remember dont be a as!!
serverloginconfirmationtext pvp is on but no gain..but remember dont be a ass!!
serverversion v.1.2.27
servervisibility 2
showfriendplayeronmap true
steamid 90258810877352960
stockfiles true
stocksettings false
uniqueid c283f0f4a4014871acad45a717782f86
worldsize 8192
xpmultiplier 200
zombiebmmove 3
zombieferalmove 3
zombiemovenight 3
zombiesrun -1
dedicated d
game_descr 7 days to die
game_dir 7dtd
game_id 251570
hostname rambo vs zombie
keywords ajwbawaiaakohaqdehiiawo8aikkaaeampagaaadawoia6qbpagkaqoacc0amm8gaccagaekbmme
map old loiki territory
max_players 32
num_rules 84
os l
port 7130
protocol 17
steam_id 90258810877352960
version 01.01.02


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Rambo vs Zombie Live Banner 2

What is the Rambo vs Zombie IP?

Server IP Address:

What is the Rambo vs Zombie PORT?

Server PORT: 7130

