Call of Duty 4 Servers List

Call of Duty 4 ^1PRIVATE 1.7| ^2T-m-P^1#3 ^4CoD4^3.. 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 ^1nN| ^3RotU-Revolution ^20.7 | ^1w.. 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty 4 ^2NRNS ^3US2 ^224/7 TDM Crossfire 31/32 CANADA
Call of Duty 4 ^0ZZ^1=|LuV|= ^4Gungame 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 -U4EA- Slap Higgins Old Skool 31/32 CANADA
Call of Duty 4 -U4EA- GunGame 31/32 CANADA
Call of Duty 4 ^0ZZ^1=|LuV|= ^4Deathrun ^3RollTheD.. 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 ^1Raid ^3Combined Operations ^7|^2 .. 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty 4 ^1Raid ^3Deathrun ^7| ^2190 Speed ^.. 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty 4 ^1ZZ =|LuV|= 24/7 Promod Sniper-Onl.. 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 ^44GF.CZ^7 #52 | DM/GR/TDM | sHC | .. 31/32 CZECH REPUBLIC
Call of Duty 4 ^1 >XI< ^3FreezeTag Server 1 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty 4 ^5=|FF|=Paintball 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty 4 ^424/7 ^1Hardcore TDM ^41.7 ^7^1THE.. 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty 4 ^4COD @ ^3| ^7Public #3 .. 31/32 RUSSIA
Call of Duty 4 ^2Alte^7verrueckte^2Bande ^7War 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 [DOGS]{UK} Clan Public server 31/32 UNITED KINGDOM
Call of Duty 4 ^5=|FF|=AllMaps^71^3NewExperience 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty 4 Funkytown 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty 4 ^ ^1 Has Moved: ^274.91.. 31/32 UNITED STATES