Call of Duty Servers List

Call of Duty RRE 31/32 UNITED KINDOM
Call of Duty ^7*RR^1MS* ^7T*^1D*^7M* 31/32 UNITED KINDOM
Call of Duty ^1Szondikapitany^7Szervere^2|http:/.. 31/32 HUNGARY
Call of Duty ^ ^4Match ^7Server 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty ^7*RR^1MS*^7Snipers ^1Only^3* 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty ^0o^1l^3d^5@^4openwarfare HC (GER) 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty T^569^7-SD 1sk Only.. 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty ^7*RR^1MS*^7Death^1Match^3* 31/32 UNITED KINDOM
Call of Duty ^2K^7atalyst ^2J^7ump 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty ^9V^2C^9od^2|^9Gun^5G^9ame^3! 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty ^2K^7atalyst ^2M^7ini^2G^7ames 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty ^4=[^3BM^4]^5Competitive 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty ^4=[^3BM^4]=Blue^3Monkey^6AWE^4 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty ^2{BA}^1Public Base Assault 31/32 UNITED STATES
Call of Duty ^5(E^7F^5S)^7Caren^5tan ^7T^5DM 31/32 GERMANY
Call of Duty ^1R^7eign of the Undead 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty ^1R^7eign of the Undead 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty ^1R^7eign of the Undead 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty ^1R^7eign of the Undead 31/32 FRANCE
Call of Duty ^1R^7eign of the Undead 31/32 FRANCE